I have used the following code (from OzGrid Website) to convert selected text to UPPER case, which works just fine.
This conversion to UPPER text will be applied to a customer's name cell (containing both Surname and Forename), ie STANLEY PAUL
When the conversion has been done I would also like the Macro to insert a comma and a space in between the Surname and Forename ie STANLEY, PAUL This would be handy if the cells were ever split into separate Forename and Surname cells.
Paul S
This conversion to UPPER text will be applied to a customer's name cell (containing both Surname and Forename), ie STANLEY PAUL
When the conversion has been done I would also like the Macro to insert a comma and a space in between the Surname and Forename ie STANLEY, PAUL This would be handy if the cells were ever split into separate Forename and Surname cells.
Sub ConvertCase()
Dim rAcells As Range, rLoopCells As Range
Dim lReply As Long
'Set variable to needed cells
If Selection.Cells.Count = 1 Then
Set rAcells = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Set rAcells = Selection
End If
On Error Resume Next 'In case of NO text constants.
'Set variable to all text constants
Set rAcells = rAcells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues)
If rAcells Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Could not find any text."
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End If
lReply = MsgBox("Select 'Yes' for UPPER CASE or 'No' for Proper Case.", vbYesNoCancel, "")
If lReply = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
If lReply = vbYes Then ' Convert to Upper Case
For Each rLoopCells In rAcells
rLoopCells = StrConv(rLoopCells, vbUpperCase)
Next rLoopCells
Else ' Convert to Proper Case
For Each rLoopCells In rAcells
rLoopCells = StrConv(rLoopCells, vbProperCase)
Next rLoopCells
End If
End Sub
Paul S