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Hi, I’ll try to explain this as best I can. On a spreadsheet I have three activeX controls, 2 ListBoxes (Continent & Country) and one ComboBox (Groups). Both ListBoxes are and need to be multi select.
The Continent ListBox has code for its change event to only add Countries in the Country ListBox that have been defined as linked to the Continent (e.g. the Country Thailand is linked to the Continent South-Eastern Asia).
The ComboBox is for user defined country groups, by default its text is set to “No Selected Group”. This has a change event linked to it which will
1.) Select all Continents and Countries as per the defined group, and as result of the Continent ListBox change event add all related Countries into the Country list box.
2.) Select only Countries in the Country ListBox that are defined in the group
Should a group be used and then a further Continent(s) and/or Country(s) be selected/deselected I would like to change the text in the ComboBox back to default “No Selected Group”.
I was thinking of putting a switch in (making a cell on the worksheet read 1 or 0 and then reading this in the change events to determine whether or not to execute) but discovered that the click event on a multi select ListBox is disabled and that it would appear that a change event executes first before a click event.
Any comments suggestions would be most welcome, an example of my code is below and I've uploaded a example of the workbook to fileape which would probably be easier to understand: http://fileape.com/dl/u2k4epT4DyohidzP
Excel 2007 Win7 Ultimate 64x
Sheet1(Sheet1) Code;
ThisWorkBook Code:
(Comma indicates new row)
On Sheet1 starting in row1
Column A Contains:
Sub Continents, Australia and New Zealand, South-Eastern Asia, Northern America
Column C Contains:
Countries, Australia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar [Burma], Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Bermuda, Canada, Greenland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Column D Contains:
Sub Continents, Australia and New Zealand, Australia and New Zealand, Australia and New Zealand, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, Northern America, Northern America, Northern America, Northern America
Column F Contains:
Group, Group1, Group1, Group2, Group2
Column G Contains:
Countries, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand
Column I Contains:
Group, Group1, Group1, Group2
Column J Contains:
Sub Continents, Australia and New Zealand, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia
Column L Contains:
Column M Contains:
The Continent ListBox has code for its change event to only add Countries in the Country ListBox that have been defined as linked to the Continent (e.g. the Country Thailand is linked to the Continent South-Eastern Asia).
The ComboBox is for user defined country groups, by default its text is set to “No Selected Group”. This has a change event linked to it which will
1.) Select all Continents and Countries as per the defined group, and as result of the Continent ListBox change event add all related Countries into the Country list box.
2.) Select only Countries in the Country ListBox that are defined in the group
Should a group be used and then a further Continent(s) and/or Country(s) be selected/deselected I would like to change the text in the ComboBox back to default “No Selected Group”.
I was thinking of putting a switch in (making a cell on the worksheet read 1 or 0 and then reading this in the change events to determine whether or not to execute) but discovered that the click event on a multi select ListBox is disabled and that it would appear that a change event executes first before a click event.
Any comments suggestions would be most welcome, an example of my code is below and I've uploaded a example of the workbook to fileape which would probably be easier to understand: http://fileape.com/dl/u2k4epT4DyohidzP
Excel 2007 Win7 Ultimate 64x
Sheet1(Sheet1) Code;
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim Count As Integer
Dim ListCount As Integer 'To count items in listbox
If Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.Text = "No Selected Group" Then
'De select all sub continents
Count = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.ListCount
Do Until Count = 0
Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.Selected(Count - 1) = False
Count = Count - 1
'Select sub Continents for selected group
Count = 2
Do Until Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 10).Value = ""
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 9).Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.Text Then
ListCount = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.ListCount
Do Until ListCount = 0
If Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.List(ListCount - 1) = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 10).Value Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.Selected(ListCount - 1) = True
End If
ListCount = ListCount - 1
End If
Count = Count + 1
'De select all countries
Count = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.ListCount
Do Until Count = 0
Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.Selected(Count - 1) = False
Count = Count - 1
'Select sub Countries for selected group
Count = 2
Do Until Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 7).Value = ""
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 6).Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.Text Then
ListCount = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.ListCount
Do Until ListCount = 0
If Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.List(ListCount - 1) = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 7).Value Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.Selected(ListCount - 1) = True
End If
ListCount = ListCount - 1
End If
Count = Count + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Clear temp table
Range(Cells(2, 12), Cells(20, 13)).ClearContents
'Check all items in ListBox1
Dim Count As Integer
Dim RowCount As Integer 'Used to count temp table entering rows
Count = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.ListCount
RowCount = 2
Do Until Count = 0
'If item is selected then add it to temp table 1
If Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.Selected(Count - 1) = True Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(RowCount, 12).Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.List(Count - 1)
RowCount = RowCount + 1
End If
Count = Count - 1
'Find all countries assocaited with selected Subcontinents
Dim SelectedCount As Integer 'Used to count temp table entered rows
SelectedCount = 2
Count = 2
RowCount = 2
'Check each sub contienent against...
Do Until Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(SelectedCount, 12).Value = ""
'...each country
Do Until Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 3).Value = ""
'Enter Countries for associated selected sub continents into temp table 2
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 4).Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(SelectedCount, 12).Value Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(RowCount, 13).Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 3).Value
RowCount = RowCount + 1
End If
Count = Count + 1
SelectedCount = SelectedCount + 1
Count = 2
'Sort Temp table 2 alphebtically
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Sort
.SetRange Range(Cells(2, 13), Cells(RowCount - 1, 13))
.Header = xlNo
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1).Select
'Remove all items from ListBox2
Count = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.ListCount
Do Until Count = 0
Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.RemoveItem Count - 1
Count = Count - 1
'Add Temp 2 items to list box 2
Count = 2
Do Until Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 13).Value = ""
Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.AddItem (Cells(Count, 13).Value)
Count = Count + 1
'Select all items in List Box 2
Count = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.ListCount
Do Until Count = 0
Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.Selected(Count - 1) = True
Count = Count - 1
'Clear temp table
Range(Cells(2, 12), Cells(20, 13)).ClearContents
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
ThisWorkBook Code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim Count As Integer 'Counter for loading items into controls
'Load ListBox1 items
Count = 2
Do Until Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 1).Value = ""
Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.AddItem (Cells(Count, 1).Value)
Count = Count + 1
'Load ListBox2 items
Count = 2
Do Until Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Count, 3).Value = ""
Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox2.AddItem (Cells(Count, 3).Value)
Count = Count + 1
'Load combobox items items
Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.AddItem ("No Selected Group")
Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.AddItem ("Group1")
Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.AddItem ("Group2")
Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.Text = Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.List(0)
'Select all items in list box 1
Count = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.ListCount
Do Until Count = 0
Worksheets("Sheet1").ListBox1.Selected(Count - 1) = True
Count = Count - 1
End Sub
(Comma indicates new row)
On Sheet1 starting in row1
Column A Contains:
Sub Continents, Australia and New Zealand, South-Eastern Asia, Northern America
Column C Contains:
Countries, Australia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar [Burma], Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Bermuda, Canada, Greenland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Column D Contains:
Sub Continents, Australia and New Zealand, Australia and New Zealand, Australia and New Zealand, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia, Northern America, Northern America, Northern America, Northern America
Column F Contains:
Group, Group1, Group1, Group2, Group2
Column G Contains:
Countries, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand
Column I Contains:
Group, Group1, Group1, Group2
Column J Contains:
Sub Continents, Australia and New Zealand, South-Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia
Column L Contains:
Column M Contains: