Changing a formula via text entry box


New Member
Sep 15, 2006
I have a reference in a cell which the user of the sheet will need to change depending on which cell they want to cross reference, the fomula is:
=VLOOKUP(Month!I$47,'Name Sheet'!$A$2:$B$47,2,FALSE)

The reference that needs to changed is the column in the 'Month' sheet so 1=C 2=D 3=E and so on until 31=AG

So I'd like a text box which asks for a number and then changes the column reference for cells B10:B26

is this possible?

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ok, I've not got a way of creating a cell with the correct column value. 1=C 2=D 3=E and so on until 31=AG etc etc

Is there anyway that I can get the column reference in =VLOOKUP(Month!I$47,'Name Sheet'!$A$2:$B$47,2,FALSE) to reference the cell with the correct column value?
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I don't understand your question, mainly because in your VLOOKUP there are only 2 columns in the table you are looking up - A and B on sheet Name Sheet.
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Ok, I'll try again. I have the formula
=VLOOKUP(Month!I$47,'Name Sheet'!$A$2:$B$47,2,FALSE)
This references one sheet for a set of initials and then cross references this text to enter the full name into the cell.

But I want the value of the column after Month!, (in this example it's an I) to change depending on what the value of another cell is.

For example if the user enters in the value E into cell B29 I want the formula to read =VLOOKUP(Month!E$47,'Name Sheet'!$A$2:$B$47,2,FALSE)

Is this possilble?
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Well you could use INDIRECT.

=VLOOKUP(INDIRECT("Month!" & B29 &"$47"),'Name Sheet'!$A$2:$B$47,2,FALSE)

Though there's maybe a more efficient way of doing what you want, perhaps one of the formula gurus will pop by with one.
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