Hi there
I have previously gotten some help writing this code which idetifies the last column in a sheet and copy's the formulas found in it to the following coulmn.
I would very much like that in addition to this the macro would after it have transfered the formulas, fix the numbers that are found in the coulmn from which the formula comes.
An example lets say that the formulas are transfered from coulmn B to coulmn C. After the transfer is done I would like for the values in column B to be replaced with values instead of the formulas in the coulmn. Hope that makes sense?
If any clarification is needed please let me know
I have previously gotten some help writing this code which idetifies the last column in a sheet and copy's the formulas found in it to the following coulmn.
Sub test()
Sheets("Overview Q2 2011 (2)").Select
LastCol = Range("B2").End(xlToRight).Column
Cells(1, LastCol).EntireColumn.Copy Cells(1, LastCol + 1)
End Sub
I would very much like that in addition to this the macro would after it have transfered the formulas, fix the numbers that are found in the coulmn from which the formula comes.
An example lets say that the formulas are transfered from coulmn B to coulmn C. After the transfer is done I would like for the values in column B to be replaced with values instead of the formulas in the coulmn. Hope that makes sense?
If any clarification is needed please let me know