Changing the VBE's settings programmatically


Active Member
Jan 19, 2010

I'm having some problems with some code breaking on other peoples computers. The code breaks are all in this type of format:
on error resume next
'do something that deletes something that might not exist
on error goto 0

I've figured out that it's caused by the VBE having Tools -> Options -> General -> 'Break on all errors' selected.

What I want to know is if there's a way to change the setting programmatically, or if I'm going to have to run around to everyone's computer and change it. Or if there's a better way to handle this, because as says:
CAUTION: Many VBA-based computer viruses propagate themselves by creating and/or modifying VBA code. Therefore, many virus scanners may automatically and without warning or confirmation delete modules that reference the VBProject object, causing a permanent and irretrievable loss of code. Consult the documentation for your anti-virus software for details

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I'm having some problems with some code breaking on other peoples computers. The code breaks are all in this type of format:

on error resume next
'do something that deletes something that might not exist
on error goto 0I've figured out that it's caused by the VBE having Tools -> Options -> General -> 'Break on all errors' selected.

What I want to know is if there's a way to change the setting programmatically, or if I'm going to have to run around to everyone's computer and change it. Or if there's a better way to handle this, because as says:

CAUTION: Many VBA-based computer viruses propagate themselves by creating and/or modifying VBA code. Therefore, many virus scanners may automatically and without warning or confirmation delete modules that reference the VBProject object, causing a permanent and irretrievable loss of code. Consult the documentation for your anti-virus software for details

Interesting. I don't see a lot of posts describing this as a problem (occasionally, yes, but frequently, no). Maybe someone in your IT dept has decided to set up Excel this way - it appears that the normal case is otherwise. I'd just go ahead and check everyone's computer and that should be then end of it. Or wait to get the calls about how your code is broken and fix it as it happens...
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Yeah, I thought the solution would be a manual fix. There's 30 or 40 associate computers to change, so it'll be a good afternoons work...

As to why IT set up everyone's computer like this, I suspect it wasn't intentional, but rather someone in the distant past messed around with VBA just enough to find out that liberal use of "On Error Resume Next" wasn't a good idea, changed their setting, and then new hires all had their new computer setups copied from that persons setting.

It's a good thing I transfered my computer from my previous department.;)
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I really don't think an IT department would set up Excel with this option as standard.

For one thing they would probably be the first port of call when the user got the error message, so they might prefer a setting that ignored errors.:)

If they wanted to stop people mucking around with VBA they might disable macros instead.
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So far as I can tell, I'm the first person who really did anything with Excel Vba (at least more than a recorded macro) in the related departments in my office, so it'd never really have come up before. Also, the department I'm in has a poorly designed Access reporting system (running from poorly designed tables from a third party contracter), which might have caused someone previously in the department to select that option. (So far as I can tell, all your VBE settings in Office sync up.)

Of course, I'm still here at 7 because I can't figure out how to run a series of queries without hitting Access's 2 gig bomb out limit, so who am I to talk?:)

Oh, and IT here takes the hiring manager's word for how to set up a new hire's computer, and they always say "Make it like Joe's".
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I've never used Excel (or Access, or Word) VBA where the Break On All Errors option is set by default.

I've always switched it on myself.

As far as I know the option does not sync across Office application.

Or so I thought until about 10 secs ago, I checked Excel first and found I had Break on Unhandled picked - same for Word and Access.

Closed them all down, reopened Excel, changed the option and lo and behold it had changed in Word and Access too.:eek:

So maybe it can be set by default when installing or using witchcraft or something.:)
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Or so I thought until about 10 secs ago, I checked Excel first and found I had Break on Unhandled picked - same for Word and Access.

That's interesting - I had no idea either.
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After many months of aggravation, and having to teach users how to change the editors setting, I finally figured out the cause of the VBE changing the error handling setting. (I found out about this when someone asked me to fix a division by zero error in a report, and found a thousand lines of VBA)

In an Access reporting tool there's a bunch of subs to format out Excel reports. They are all of the form like this: (no real code, it's immaterial)

Sub Stuff234()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim a
    Dim b
    Dim c
    [COLOR=red]Application.SetOption "Error Trapping", 0[/COLOR]
    'Buncha code, including a line with a potential division by zero problem
    '(which might be the reason for the massive On Error Resume Next)
    'and another line that attempts to save over a potentially open workbook
    'and maybe a line that might try to open a nonexistent workbook
    '(which might be why someone else used the .setoption line to prevent
    'completely bizarre results when errors are skipped, with the 'handling'
    'being done by the users when the code crashes)
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

So maybe it can be set by default when installing or using witchcraft or something.
turns out to be the answer after all...

Plus, now I can stop putting these lines at the start of every macro:
    On Error Resume Next
    Debug.Print 1/0
    'change the Visual Basic Editor's error handling setting.
    On Error GoTo 0
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Incredibly frustrating that some sloppy code which changes the VBE settings in Access also has an effect on Excel when it is next opened. Thanks for letting us know what was going on. :)
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I'm just glad that the Division by zero error was never really fixed before me. :) As it was, it still took seven months before it was brought to my attention.
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