I need a formula
a b c
250 200 400
500 401 750
1000 751 1200
Column A is a batch number of widgets (ie:250 widgets)
your base run for those 250 widgets is between 200 and 400
if you need 1600 widgets is there a formula that will tell you that to make that many widgets you would need to make one batch of 1000 widgets and one batch of 250.
a b c
250 200 400
500 401 750
1000 751 1200
Column A is a batch number of widgets (ie:250 widgets)
your base run for those 250 widgets is between 200 and 400
if you need 1600 widgets is there a formula that will tell you that to make that many widgets you would need to make one batch of 1000 widgets and one batch of 250.