I have defined a let procedure that initalizes all the varriables in the class. No Problem. However; when i try to use this procedure i continue to get syntax errors! Is there a limit to the # of varriables you can pass to an instance of a class? Given the following definition what would be the correct syntax when refering to the procedure.
<CLASS Legend legend<CLASS named>
Private X As Integer
Private Y As Integer
Private Width As Integer
Private Heigth As Integer
Private Count As Integer
Private Color() As Long
Private Text() As String
Private FontSize2() As Integer
Private Visible() As Boolean
Public Property Let InitLegend(iIndex As Integer, _
iX As Integer, _
iY As Integer, _
iWidth As Integer, _
iHeigth As Integer)
Count = iIndex
X = iX
Y = iY
Width = iWidth
Height = iHeight
ReDim Preserve Color(1 To iIndex)
ReDim Preserve Text(1 To iIndex)
ReDim Preserve FontSize2(1 To iIndex)
ReDim Preserve Visible(1 To iIndex)
End Property
<END p class<>
Sub test()
dim tst as new legend
tst.initLegend(count,x,y,width,height)'THIS DOESENT WORK
Please comment
<CLASS Legend legend<CLASS named>
Private X As Integer
Private Y As Integer
Private Width As Integer
Private Heigth As Integer
Private Count As Integer
Private Color() As Long
Private Text() As String
Private FontSize2() As Integer
Private Visible() As Boolean
Public Property Let InitLegend(iIndex As Integer, _
iX As Integer, _
iY As Integer, _
iWidth As Integer, _
iHeigth As Integer)
Count = iIndex
X = iX
Y = iY
Width = iWidth
Height = iHeight
ReDim Preserve Color(1 To iIndex)
ReDim Preserve Text(1 To iIndex)
ReDim Preserve FontSize2(1 To iIndex)
ReDim Preserve Visible(1 To iIndex)
End Property
<END p class<>
Sub test()
dim tst as new legend
tst.initLegend(count,x,y,width,height)'THIS DOESENT WORK
Please comment