Code Challenge

Tom Vert

New Member
Oct 30, 2004
Hi Folks

Any ideas on why the following code does not open a pop form with information linked to the SERIES field in my table? The data is a number (but could be text) and formatted as '0000' The numbers are not distinct (several numbers repeat many times) and I simply want to double click a control a form and have open another form with appropriate data.

Thanks for your help.

Private Sub SERIES_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

On Error GoTo Err_SERIES_DblClick

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String


stLinkCriteria = "[SERIES]=" & "'" & Me![SERIES] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_SERIES_DblClick

End Sub

Excel Facts

How to calculate loan payments in Excel?
Use the PMT function: =PMT(5%/12,60,-25000) is for a $25,000 loan, 5% annual interest, 60 month loan.
You might want do define the Me! forms. Some time, I don't know why Access get confuse with the Me!. I rather specified each time the complet name of the form where the data are.

good luck
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The form pops up, but there's no data. Not sure why ... I have an identical procedure in an adjacent control and it works fine. Frustration is setting in. :confused:
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If the field is numeric, you'll want to get rid of the single quotes:

stLinkCriteria = "[SERIES]=" & Me![SERIES]

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Thanks Russell. I changed the code, but instead of getting a pop up with no data, I get a Microsoft Access error:

"The OpenForm action was canceled." With no reason why.

Do you think the duplicate numbers in the field are causing a linkage problem? Tom
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Sorry, I couldn't say without more info. Do you know how to step through code? I'd start there...
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I'm pretty much a "frustrated novice" and don't know how to step thru code. Are you speaking of the immediate window and a line-by-line approach?
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Technically not the immediate window, but probably what you're referring to. You can set breakpoints and see what's going on. There are a lot of factors that could be in play here, including how your "pop form" functions. I'm sorry I can't be of more help...
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