I am using the code below on my spreadsheet. What is does is hides Row #1 until Row 41 is reached. When 41 is reached Row 1 appears. Unfortunately (for me) I need to alter this code and was wondering if anyone could tell me if it is possible. First the code:
What I would now like to happen is that Row 1 stays hidden UNTIL Row 16 is OFF Screen. Can that be done? What has happened is that my row 16 contains the heads for my input table. I have now had to set the rows to resize to accommodate data input. If no rows are resized then Row 16 stays visible until I reach row 40. When row 41 is reached then Row 1 appears which contains my headers as well. I hope this makes sense to someone...
SO, IF I can get a code that would keep row one hidden until Row 16 is off screen then it will not matter what rows expand.
Any ideas anyone???
I am using the code below on my spreadsheet. What is does is hides Row #1 until Row 41 is reached. When 41 is reached Row 1 appears. Unfortunately (for me) I need to alter this code and was wondering if anyone could tell me if it is possible. First the code:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Rows(1).Hidden <> (Target.Row < 41) Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Rows(1).Hidden = Target.Row < 41
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
End Sub
What I would now like to happen is that Row 1 stays hidden UNTIL Row 16 is OFF Screen. Can that be done? What has happened is that my row 16 contains the heads for my input table. I have now had to set the rows to resize to accommodate data input. If no rows are resized then Row 16 stays visible until I reach row 40. When row 41 is reached then Row 1 appears which contains my headers as well. I hope this makes sense to someone...
SO, IF I can get a code that would keep row one hidden until Row 16 is off screen then it will not matter what rows expand.
Any ideas anyone???