Hi all,
I have the code below and it runs, but sometimes it works and some times i get an error and I can't figure out why it only sometimes errors out.
The code errors out on the following line of code. The error is "Run time error -2147417848 Method "Add" of object "Textboxes" failed".
What's really weird is that this code will work on 2 charts and then error out on the first,m or it will not work on the first chart, but will on the second and third, and so on. Its simply inserting a textbox, and the behavior is inconsistent, so I'm at a loss. Wondering if its not dumping memory or something, as the behavior never seems to work the same way twice.
Line it errors on:
All code:
I have the code below and it runs, but sometimes it works and some times i get an error and I can't figure out why it only sometimes errors out.
The code errors out on the following line of code. The error is "Run time error -2147417848 Method "Add" of object "Textboxes" failed".
What's really weird is that this code will work on 2 charts and then error out on the first,m or it will not work on the first chart, but will on the second and third, and so on. Its simply inserting a textbox, and the behavior is inconsistent, so I'm at a loss. Wondering if its not dumping memory or something, as the behavior never seems to work the same way twice.
Line it errors on:
Set txtB = cht.TextBoxes.Add(chtT.Left, chtT.Top, 100, 50)
All code:
For n = 1 To myInitialEarlyStageCount - 1
With DPUGraphSheet
'Determine where to put to place sheet in file
If n = 1 Then
.Copy After:=Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
ElseIf n > 1 Then
.Copy After:=Sheets(myDPUName)
End If
End With
'Name copied tab "myDPU" (temporary)
ActiveSheet.Name = "myDPU"
'Determine DPU Name, Rept unit name, next Rpt Unit Name
With TAUDataSheet
myDPU = .Cells(TAUDataESHeaderRow + n, TAUDataDisplayNameColumn).Value
myRptUnit = .Cells(TAUDataESHeaderRow + n, TAUDataRptUnitColumn).Value
myNextRptUnit = .Cells(TAUDataESHeaderRow + n + 1, TAUDataRptUnitColumn).Value
End With
PrjSummPrjIDColumnLetter = ColumnLetter(PrjSummPrjIDColumn)
PrjSummPeriod1ColumnLetter = ColumnLetter(PrjSummPeriod1Column)
PrjSummPeriod6ColumnLetter = ColumnLetter(PrjSummPeriod1Column + 5)
'Rename new sheet
myDPUName = Left(myDPU & " DPU by Prj", 30)
Sheets("myDPU").Name = myDPUName
'Determine Data ranges
With PrjSummSheet.Columns(PrjSummPrjIDColumn)
myRngStartRow = .Find(What:=myRptUnit, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row + 1
'For the last DPU to be graph
myRngEndRow = .Find(What:=myNextRptUnit, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row - 1
End With
'Determine range for last
'Set interim ranges
myRng1 = PrjSummPrjIDColumnLetter & PrjSummHeaderRow & ", "
myRng2 = PrjSummPeriod1ColumnLetter & PrjSummHeaderRow & ":" & PrjSummPeriod6ColumnLetter & PrjSummHeaderRow & ", "
myRng3 = PrjSummPrjIDColumnLetter & myRngStartRow & ":" & PrjSummPrjIDColumnLetter & myRngEndRow & ", "
myRng4 = PrjSummPeriod1ColumnLetter & myRngStartRow & ":" & PrjSummPeriod6ColumnLetter & myRngEndRow
myRngFinal = myRng1 & myRng2 & myRng3 & myRng4
'Set data range for graph tab we've created
Sheets(myDPUName).SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Prj Summary").Range(myRngFinal), PlotBy:=xlRows
'Format/re-size legend and place it at top and centered
Sheets(myDPUName).Legend.Left = 160.856
Sheets(myDPUName).Legend.Top = 63.805
Sheets(myDPUName).Legend.Width = 499.344
Sheets(myDPUName).Legend.Left = 20.856
Sheets(myDPUName).Legend.Width = 639.344
'Rename chart title for DPU name and time period shown
Set cht = ActiveChart
' Add a blank title
cht.HasTitle = True
Set chtT = cht.ChartTitle
chtT.Text = vbLf
'Set chart title variables
ChartTitleLine1 = myDPU & " DPU"
ChartTitleLine2 = "PTS Actual/Projected FTE Utilisation by Project"
ChartTitleLine3 = Range("message18M").Value
LenTitleLine1 = Len(ChartTitleLine1)
LenTitleLine2 = Len(ChartTitleLine2)
LenTitleLine3 = Len(ChartTitleLine3)
' Add and format textbox
Set txtB = cht.TextBoxes.Add(chtT.Left, chtT.Top, 100, 50)
txtB.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
txtB.Font.Size = 18
txtB.Text = ChartTitleLine1 & vbLf & ChartTitleLine2 & vbLf & ChartTitleLine3
txtB.Characters(1, LenTitleLine1).Font.Bold = True
txtB.Characters(LenTitleLine1 + 2, Len(ChartTitleLine2)).Font.Size = 14
txtB.Characters(LenTitleLine1 + 2, Len(ChartTitleLine2)).Font.Bold = True
txtB.Characters(LenTitleLine1 + 2, Len(ChartTitleLine2)).Font.Italic = True
txtB.Characters(LenTitleLine1 + LenTitleLine2 + 3, Len(ChartTitleLine3)).Font.Size = 12
txtB.Characters(LenTitleLine1 + LenTitleLine2 + 3, Len(ChartTitleLine3)).Font.Italic = True
txtB.AutoSize = True
txtB.Left = 167.856
txtB.Top = 0
Next n