Combination of 6 numbers from a range of cells, which may contain up to 19 random numbers - no duplicates


Active Member
May 14, 2002
Office Version
  1. 365
  2. 2016
  1. Windows
  2. MacOS
Hi There,

I have read a few of the posting about lotto number generations, I have a slightly different twist on this subject.

I am evaluating a series of number based on history and some calculations, from that I will select my own hot and cold numbers into a list.
What I am trying to do is generate combinations of 6 numbers based on my list of numbers.

I may select a list of 15 numbers, or I may select a list of 20 numbers this is all dependent on what I select.

So if i choose this range of numbers how can I generate combinations of 6 from this list, without duplicate combinations of 6.


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With a total of 17 different numbers, drawn 6 at a time, you are looking at 12,376 different combinations of 6 numbers.

If that is what you are looking for, we need to know the address range of where you are storing your numbers to make combinations from. For example are they stored in the A column starting at row 1?

Where would you like the results posted to? Same sheet, different sheet, etc.
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combination = 17^6 ~ 24 milions cases

Check your math @bebo021999. ;) That would be 17*17*17*17*17*17

We are dealing with different combinations here where the same number can not be drawn each and every time of the 6 drawn combination. ;)

All 6 # combinations have to be unique also. IE. 1,2,3,4,5,6 would be the the same as 1,2,3,6,5,4 so therefor they would be equivalent and only one of those would be counted.
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17^6 = 17*17*17*17*17*17 ~ 24 milion
For instant list of number = 1-17
it could be 1-1-1-1-1-1 (same number)
until 17-17-17-17-17-17
OP said "without duplicate combinations", not "duplicate number"
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Umm, How exactly ,... aww never mind, I have said enough.
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Anywho @jag108 , the following script assumes your numbers are in the A column and you want the results posted in the B column:

VBA Code:
Sub ListThemAllViaArray()
    Dim ArraySlotCount                  As Long
    Dim Ball_1                          As Long, Ball_2     As Long, Ball_3 As Long, Ball_4 As Long, Ball_5 As Long, Ball_6 As Long
    Dim CombinationCounter              As Long
    Dim LastRowOfNumbers                As Long
    Dim MaxRows                         As Long, ThisRow  As Long
    Dim MaxNumberOfBalls                As Long
    Dim NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw  As Long
    Dim StartRowOfNumbers               As Long
    Dim TotalExpectedCominations        As Long
    Dim ResultsStartColumn              As Long
    Dim CombinationsArray(1 To 65536)   As Variant
    Dim MyNumbersArray                  As Variant
    Dim wsSource                        As Worksheet
    Set wsSource = Sheets("Sheet1")                                                                         ' <--- Set this to sheet that contains your numbers
    StartRowOfNumbers = 1                                                                                   ' <--- Set this to the start row of your numbers
    NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw = 6                                                                      ' <--- Set this to the NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw
    ResultsStartColumn = 2                                                                                  ' <--- Set this to the column # to display results in
    LastRowOfNumbers = wsSource.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                                       ' Get last used row of numbers
    MyNumbersArray = wsSource.Range("A" & StartRowOfNumbers & ":A" & LastRowOfNumbers)                      ' Load numbers into 2D 1 based array RC
''    MaxNumberOfBalls = 44                                                                                   ' Total number of balls
    MaxNumberOfBalls = LastRowOfNumbers - StartRowOfNumbers + 1                                             ' Total number of balls
    ArraySlotCount = 0                                                                                      ' Initialize ArraySlotCount
    CombinationCounter = 1                                                                                  ' Initialize CombinationCounter
    MaxRows = 65536                                                                                         ' Set to maximum number of slots in Array
    ThisRow = 0                                                                                             ' Initialize row counter
    TotalExpectedCominations = Application.Combin(MaxNumberOfBalls, NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw)         ' Set expected # of total combinations
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                                      ' Turn Screen Updating off
    For Ball_1 = 1 To MaxNumberOfBalls - 5                                                                  ' Establish loop for 1st ball
        For Ball_2 = (Ball_1 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 4                                                   '   Establish loop for 2nd ball
            For Ball_3 = (Ball_2 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 3                                               '       Establish loop for 3rd ball
                For Ball_4 = (Ball_3 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 2                                           '           Establish loop for 4th ball
                    For Ball_5 = (Ball_4 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 1                                       '               Establish loop for 5th ball
                        For Ball_6 = (Ball_5 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls                                       '                   Establish loop for 6th ball
                            ArraySlotCount = ArraySlotCount + 1                                             '                       Increment ArraySlotCount
'                           Save combination into array
                            CombinationsArray(ArraySlotCount) = MyNumbersArray(Ball_1, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_2, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_3, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_4, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_5, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_6, 1)
                            CombinationCounter = CombinationCounter + 1                                     '                       Increment CombinationCounter
                            If CombinationCounter Mod 550000 = 0 Then                                       '                       If CombinationCounter = 550k then ...
'                               Update StatusBar about every 10 seconds
                                Application.StatusBar = "Result " & CombinationCounter & " on way to " & TotalExpectedCominations
                                DoEvents                                                                    '                           DoEvents
                            End If
                            ThisRow = ThisRow + 1                                                           '                       Increment row counter
                            If ThisRow = MaxRows Then                                                       '                       If row count=array max slots
'                               Dump contents of CombinationsArray to the screen
                                wsSource.Range(Cells(1, ResultsStartColumn), wsSource.Cells(ThisRow, ResultsStartColumn)) = Application.Transpose(CombinationsArray)
                                Erase CombinationsArray                                                     '                           Erase contents of array
                                ArraySlotCount = 0                                                          '                           Reset ArraySlotCount
                                ThisRow = 0                                                                 '                           Reset row counter
                                ResultsStartColumn = ResultsStartColumn + 1                                 '                           Increment column counter
                            End If
    Range(Cells(1, ResultsStartColumn), Cells(ThisRow, ResultsStartColumn)) = Application.Transpose(CombinationsArray)  ' Dump contents of last array to screen
    Columns.AutoFit                                                                                         ' Resize all columns to fit the data within them
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                                                       ' Turn Screen Updating back on
End Sub
Upvote 0
With a total of 17 different numbers, drawn 6 at a time, you are looking at 12,376 different combinations of 6 numbers.

If that is what you are looking for, we need to know the address range of where you are storing your numbers to make combinations from. For example are they stored in the A column starting at row 1?

Where would you like the results posted to? Same sheet, different sheet, etc.
Same sheet, I can change if things become to unwieldly, thank you.
Upvote 0
Anywho @jag108 , the following script assumes your numbers are in the A column and you want the results posted in the B column:

VBA Code:
Sub ListThemAllViaArray()
    Dim ArraySlotCount                  As Long
    Dim Ball_1                          As Long, Ball_2     As Long, Ball_3 As Long, Ball_4 As Long, Ball_5 As Long, Ball_6 As Long
    Dim CombinationCounter              As Long
    Dim LastRowOfNumbers                As Long
    Dim MaxRows                         As Long, ThisRow  As Long
    Dim MaxNumberOfBalls                As Long
    Dim NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw  As Long
    Dim StartRowOfNumbers               As Long
    Dim TotalExpectedCominations        As Long
    Dim ResultsStartColumn              As Long
    Dim CombinationsArray(1 To 65536)   As Variant
    Dim MyNumbersArray                  As Variant
    Dim wsSource                        As Worksheet
    Set wsSource = Sheets("Sheet1")                                                                         ' <--- Set this to sheet that contains your numbers
    StartRowOfNumbers = 1                                                                                   ' <--- Set this to the start row of your numbers
    NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw = 6                                                                      ' <--- Set this to the NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw
    ResultsStartColumn = 2                                                                                  ' <--- Set this to the column # to display results in
    LastRowOfNumbers = wsSource.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                                       ' Get last used row of numbers
    MyNumbersArray = wsSource.Range("A" & StartRowOfNumbers & ":A" & LastRowOfNumbers)                      ' Load numbers into 2D 1 based array RC
''    MaxNumberOfBalls = 44                                                                                   ' Total number of balls
    MaxNumberOfBalls = LastRowOfNumbers - StartRowOfNumbers + 1                                             ' Total number of balls
    ArraySlotCount = 0                                                                                      ' Initialize ArraySlotCount
    CombinationCounter = 1                                                                                  ' Initialize CombinationCounter
    MaxRows = 65536                                                                                         ' Set to maximum number of slots in Array
    ThisRow = 0                                                                                             ' Initialize row counter
    TotalExpectedCominations = Application.Combin(MaxNumberOfBalls, NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw)         ' Set expected # of total combinations
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                                      ' Turn Screen Updating off
    For Ball_1 = 1 To MaxNumberOfBalls - 5                                                                  ' Establish loop for 1st ball
        For Ball_2 = (Ball_1 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 4                                                   '   Establish loop for 2nd ball
            For Ball_3 = (Ball_2 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 3                                               '       Establish loop for 3rd ball
                For Ball_4 = (Ball_3 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 2                                           '           Establish loop for 4th ball
                    For Ball_5 = (Ball_4 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 1                                       '               Establish loop for 5th ball
                        For Ball_6 = (Ball_5 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls                                       '                   Establish loop for 6th ball
                            ArraySlotCount = ArraySlotCount + 1                                             '                       Increment ArraySlotCount
'                           Save combination into array
                            CombinationsArray(ArraySlotCount) = MyNumbersArray(Ball_1, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_2, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_3, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_4, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_5, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_6, 1)
                            CombinationCounter = CombinationCounter + 1                                     '                       Increment CombinationCounter
                            If CombinationCounter Mod 550000 = 0 Then                                       '                       If CombinationCounter = 550k then ...
'                               Update StatusBar about every 10 seconds
                                Application.StatusBar = "Result " & CombinationCounter & " on way to " & TotalExpectedCominations
                                DoEvents                                                                    '                           DoEvents
                            End If
                            ThisRow = ThisRow + 1                                                           '                       Increment row counter
                            If ThisRow = MaxRows Then                                                       '                       If row count=array max slots
'                               Dump contents of CombinationsArray to the screen
                                wsSource.Range(Cells(1, ResultsStartColumn), wsSource.Cells(ThisRow, ResultsStartColumn)) = Application.Transpose(CombinationsArray)
                                Erase CombinationsArray                                                     '                           Erase contents of array
                                ArraySlotCount = 0                                                          '                           Reset ArraySlotCount
                                ThisRow = 0                                                                 '                           Reset row counter
                                ResultsStartColumn = ResultsStartColumn + 1                                 '                           Increment column counter
                            End If
    Range(Cells(1, ResultsStartColumn), Cells(ThisRow, ResultsStartColumn)) = Application.Transpose(CombinationsArray)  ' Dump contents of last array to screen
    Columns.AutoFit                                                                                         ' Resize all columns to fit the data within them
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                                                       ' Turn Screen Updating back on
End Sub
Anywho @jag108 , the following script assumes your numbers are in the A column and you want the results posted in the B column:

VBA Code:
Sub ListThemAllViaArray()
    Dim ArraySlotCount                  As Long
    Dim Ball_1                          As Long, Ball_2     As Long, Ball_3 As Long, Ball_4 As Long, Ball_5 As Long, Ball_6 As Long
    Dim CombinationCounter              As Long
    Dim LastRowOfNumbers                As Long
    Dim MaxRows                         As Long, ThisRow  As Long
    Dim MaxNumberOfBalls                As Long
    Dim NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw  As Long
    Dim StartRowOfNumbers               As Long
    Dim TotalExpectedCominations        As Long
    Dim ResultsStartColumn              As Long
    Dim CombinationsArray(1 To 65536)   As Variant
    Dim MyNumbersArray                  As Variant
    Dim wsSource                        As Worksheet
    Set wsSource = Sheets("Sheet1")                                                                         ' <--- Set this to sheet that contains your numbers
    StartRowOfNumbers = 1                                                                                   ' <--- Set this to the start row of your numbers
    NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw = 6                                                                      ' <--- Set this to the NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw
    ResultsStartColumn = 2                                                                                  ' <--- Set this to the column # to display results in
    LastRowOfNumbers = wsSource.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                                       ' Get last used row of numbers
    MyNumbersArray = wsSource.Range("A" & StartRowOfNumbers & ":A" & LastRowOfNumbers)                      ' Load numbers into 2D 1 based array RC
''    MaxNumberOfBalls = 44                                                                                   ' Total number of balls
    MaxNumberOfBalls = LastRowOfNumbers - StartRowOfNumbers + 1                                             ' Total number of balls
    ArraySlotCount = 0                                                                                      ' Initialize ArraySlotCount
    CombinationCounter = 1                                                                                  ' Initialize CombinationCounter
    MaxRows = 65536                                                                                         ' Set to maximum number of slots in Array
    ThisRow = 0                                                                                             ' Initialize row counter
    TotalExpectedCominations = Application.Combin(MaxNumberOfBalls, NumberOfBallsToBeDrawnEachDraw)         ' Set expected # of total combinations
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                                      ' Turn Screen Updating off
    For Ball_1 = 1 To MaxNumberOfBalls - 5                                                                  ' Establish loop for 1st ball
        For Ball_2 = (Ball_1 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 4                                                   '   Establish loop for 2nd ball
            For Ball_3 = (Ball_2 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 3                                               '       Establish loop for 3rd ball
                For Ball_4 = (Ball_3 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 2                                           '           Establish loop for 4th ball
                    For Ball_5 = (Ball_4 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls - 1                                       '               Establish loop for 5th ball
                        For Ball_6 = (Ball_5 + 1) To MaxNumberOfBalls                                       '                   Establish loop for 6th ball
                            ArraySlotCount = ArraySlotCount + 1                                             '                       Increment ArraySlotCount
'                           Save combination into array
                            CombinationsArray(ArraySlotCount) = MyNumbersArray(Ball_1, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_2, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_3, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_4, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_5, 1) & "-" & MyNumbersArray(Ball_6, 1)
                            CombinationCounter = CombinationCounter + 1                                     '                       Increment CombinationCounter
                            If CombinationCounter Mod 550000 = 0 Then                                       '                       If CombinationCounter = 550k then ...
'                               Update StatusBar about every 10 seconds
                                Application.StatusBar = "Result " & CombinationCounter & " on way to " & TotalExpectedCominations
                                DoEvents                                                                    '                           DoEvents
                            End If
                            ThisRow = ThisRow + 1                                                           '                       Increment row counter
                            If ThisRow = MaxRows Then                                                       '                       If row count=array max slots
'                               Dump contents of CombinationsArray to the screen
                                wsSource.Range(Cells(1, ResultsStartColumn), wsSource.Cells(ThisRow, ResultsStartColumn)) = Application.Transpose(CombinationsArray)
                                Erase CombinationsArray                                                     '                           Erase contents of array
                                ArraySlotCount = 0                                                          '                           Reset ArraySlotCount
                                ThisRow = 0                                                                 '                           Reset row counter
                                ResultsStartColumn = ResultsStartColumn + 1                                 '                           Increment column counter
                            End If
    Range(Cells(1, ResultsStartColumn), Cells(ThisRow, ResultsStartColumn)) = Application.Transpose(CombinationsArray)  ' Dump contents of last array to screen
    Columns.AutoFit                                                                                         ' Resize all columns to fit the data within them
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                                                       ' Turn Screen Updating back on
End Sub
Thank you much I appreciate your time and effort very much.
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