Hey everyone hope that you are doing well. I have a pickle of an issue with excel and i was hoping someone could shed some light on the subject for me.
What's troubling me is that i have a file that contains unique identifiers for everyone at my company in column A. I also in column B the degree they received. With people with multiple degrees it gives them multiple rows, with one row one per degree. So what i end up with are 6 different rows for the same person. Is there a quick and easy formula that can combine the degrees altogether into one cell so that i dont have 6 different rows for the same person?
12345 Dave BA
12345 Dave MS
12345 Dave PHD
What i would like it to look like
12345 Dave BA MS PHD
I've tried the vlookup function but it seems to continuously return the first value, so i end up with nothing in the end. Any help that can be provided would be appreciated. Thanks a million!
What's troubling me is that i have a file that contains unique identifiers for everyone at my company in column A. I also in column B the degree they received. With people with multiple degrees it gives them multiple rows, with one row one per degree. So what i end up with are 6 different rows for the same person. Is there a quick and easy formula that can combine the degrees altogether into one cell so that i dont have 6 different rows for the same person?
12345 Dave BA
12345 Dave MS
12345 Dave PHD
What i would like it to look like
12345 Dave BA MS PHD
I've tried the vlookup function but it seems to continuously return the first value, so i end up with nothing in the end. Any help that can be provided would be appreciated. Thanks a million!