Combiningsheet with list question


New Member
Feb 5, 2004

I have a worksheet with a list of email addresses. I also have a list on another sheet with some of the same addresses. How can I dump this list into my worksheet and match the fields that are repeat addresses in another column?

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in spreasheets give a rangename to the first list as list1 and second list in another sheet as list2. both lisst1 and list2 are in columns A in the sheets..

try to run this sub ( I prepared this for both lists in the same sheet but I thing it will work evern if they are in differne sheets because the rangenamaes are workbook specific with refernces to the concerned sheet(s). the sub is

Public Sub test()
Dim findc As Range
Dim cell As Range

For Each cell In Range("list1")
With Range("list2")
Set findc = .Find(cell)
End With
If Not findc Is Nothing Then GoTo line1
cell.Copy Destination:=Range("a1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)

End Sub
did you get what you want. confirm. hope no bugs.
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