On Sheet1 in cell A5 is 10069.
On Sheet9 in Cell A7455 is 10069.
Both are formatted as text. =EXACT(Sheet1!A5,Sheet9!A7455) returns TRUE.
Yet, =IF(Sheet1!A5=Sheet9!A7455,"T","F") returns F, and hence Index-Match is not working.
What is the problem here?
If I delete the contents of Sheet1 cell A5, then type in 10069,
=IF(Sheet1!A5=Sheet9!A7455,"T","F") returns T.
On Sheet9 in Cell A7455 is 10069.
Both are formatted as text. =EXACT(Sheet1!A5,Sheet9!A7455) returns TRUE.
Yet, =IF(Sheet1!A5=Sheet9!A7455,"T","F") returns F, and hence Index-Match is not working.
What is the problem here?
If I delete the contents of Sheet1 cell A5, then type in 10069,
=IF(Sheet1!A5=Sheet9!A7455,"T","F") returns T.