I have 3 conditional formatting statements that change the colour of a cell based on the total, ie 0-50 (cell colour to RED); 51-90 (cell colour to AMBER); 90+ (cell colour to GREEN). This works, no problem; however, it is possible that the cell could contain a DIV/0 error message and I want to ensure that the message is hidden from view.
I would normally put an ISERROR conditional formatting statement to sort the problem out but, based on the above, 3 statements already exist. Therefore, will I have to create VB code to get around this, or can I add ISERROR to each of the 3 conditional formatting statements.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Paul S
I have 3 conditional formatting statements that change the colour of a cell based on the total, ie 0-50 (cell colour to RED); 51-90 (cell colour to AMBER); 90+ (cell colour to GREEN). This works, no problem; however, it is possible that the cell could contain a DIV/0 error message and I want to ensure that the message is hidden from view.
I would normally put an ISERROR conditional formatting statement to sort the problem out but, based on the above, 3 statements already exist. Therefore, will I have to create VB code to get around this, or can I add ISERROR to each of the 3 conditional formatting statements.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Paul S