Conditional Formatting by Text and Colot


New Member
Aug 31, 2002
I have rows of cells, some cells with a background color or fill, some not. The fill in any case is always the same color. (lets say orange)
(Cells A1:M1 may be blank and N1:S1 may have fill. Where the cells are blank or have fill is different for every row.)
In a cell within a row, if the letter F was entered and the fill/color was blank, I want a cell at the end of the row (a column at the end of all rows)to be red.
In a cell within a row, if the letter F was entered and the fill/color was orange, I want a cell at the end of the row (a column at the end of all rows) to be green.
Thanks if you can solve this.

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How to change case of text in Excel?
Use =UPPER() for upper case, =LOWER() for lower case, and =PROPER() for proper case. PROPER won't capitalize second c in Mccartney
Hi there Mr G, Welcome to the Board

This will work (but only on the first F in the row)
I have assumed a range A1:M1 for the first row. Red or Green displaying in Column N

First create this UDF (in a macro module)

Function INTCOL(Range)
INTCOL = Range.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

Next create this event macro (worksheet macro)
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub

Next put this formula in cell N1

Change the font color for column N to white (or whatever is your background color)
(so the following numbers don't show)
If the first F on row 1 is in a blank cell N1 will display 1
If the first F on row 1 is in a colored cell N1 will display 2
On cell N1 use this conditional formatting
Cell value = 1 set font and background to red
Cell value = 2 set font and background to green
Select N1 and scroll the formula down

Hope this helps
This message was edited by Derek on 2002-09-01 20:43
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Thanks Derek,
Almost does it.
It works for the first column of data I matched no problem.
But when I move to the next, only red shows up for some
row a7:n7 is cell work and o7 is the column where I put the if and condtional formatting. I scrolled down and it works on all rows great. Then I move to the next section P7:AB7, paste from o7 etc. However, regardless if there is color/fill in any cell in the range from P7 to AB7, when I have an "F" entered, I get red in AC7. May be the way I put in the macro or something as I'm only a neophite at that and perhaps didn't enter it in the correct place?
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Hi again MrG

The reason it does not work when you move the formula to a different column is as follows:
Match("F",P7:AB7,0) returns the position of "F" in that range. Your original range A7:P7 meant that the position of "F" was the same as its column number. So the formula uses this as the column number for the address of "F". Since the range no longer starts from the first column Match no longer gives the correct column number - because you have moved the range 15 columns to the right.
To correct this you need to add this displacement (+15) to the formula, as below.


You will need to make a similar adjustment whenever your range does not start from column A

Hope you can follow this
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Derek, thanks very much.
With the offset, that did the trick.
Appreciate your prompt response and knowledge.
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