I received a copy of the OP's file and here is how I replied to him...
Okay, the problem was whoever sends you this file did something wrong (in my opinion) and that is causing your problem. Before making the file available to you, they apparently run a macro (I’d hate to think they do it manually) to change the Cell Formatting for each cell in Columns B and E
individually. For positive values, the change the Cell Formatting to ""0.00" Dr" and for negative values they change the Cell Formatting to ""0.00" Cr"
and then make all the negative values positive leaving you with no negative values remaining at all! What they should have done is use the same Cell Formatting pattern for all numbers, namely this pattern...
[<0]0.00" Cr";[>0]0.0" Dr";0.00
exactly as I show it. If they had done that, all your values would have retained their positive and negative-ness, but would have displayed exactly as the file you sent me does. That way you would have been able to get rid of the Cr and Dr tags by simply changing the Cell Format to Number with 2 decimal places. But since that is not what they did, you will need a macro to straighten things out for you...
Sub FixCrDrCells()
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Intersect(Range("B:B,E:E"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
If Right(Cell.Text, 2) = "Cr" Then Cell.Value = -Cell.Value
Intersect(Range("B:B,E:E"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange).NumberFormat = "0.00"
End Sub
To install the macro, press ALT+F11 to bring up the VB editor and, once it appears, click Insert/Module from its menu bar, then copy/paste the above code into the code window that just opened up. Since this is only going to be done once per file, simply F5 to run the code (give it a moment or two to finish). You can now go back to your worksheet and everything should be straightened out as you wanted.