I'm running WinXP / Excel 03. I'm trying to continue data across multiple sheets. The file contains a seperate sheet for each month of the year. For the first sheet (Jan), there are several employees that work different schedules and hours for each day. Employees are listed in column A. Columns B through XX list each day of the week to account for the number of days in the month. On the days the employees work the cells will have the number of hours scheduled and on the days they don't they will be blank. Their schedule is compressed 3 on 3 off 4 on 4 off. I would like to be able to continue the data across 12 sheets (one for each month) for the whole year. Since the months start and end on different days I can't just copy and paste since they will all be different. Is there a way to create 12 sheets that will change the date and day of the week for each month and repeat the pattern of scheduled days correctly?