OK. To do this you're going to have to use the button from the controls toolbar. These are more complicated, but correspondingly more useful.
Add two buttons from the controls toolbar. These will have the default captions CommandButton1 and 2 respectively. Right click CommandButton1 and click “Properties”. This is the list of properties of the button you can change. Change the “Caption” property to whatever you want to appear on the button. Do the same for CommandButton2, but this time also change the “Enabled” property to false.
Now for the code. Right click CommandButton1 and select “View Code”. The VBE will open and you should see this:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Between these two lines of code type the following (replace “YourMacroName” with the name of your macro):
Call YourMacroName
CommandButton2.Enabled = True
Close the VBE. Then, in Excel, Exit Design Mode by clicking button on the controls toolbar with the blue set square, ruler and pencil. You must always enter Design Mode to alter controls.
It should be all ready to go. You’ll probably already realise how much more useful these can be than the “Form” buttons.