conversion problem 2003 to 2007


Active Member
Oct 18, 2006
Office Version
  1. 2016
  2. 2013
  3. 2010
  4. 2007
  5. 2003 or older
  1. Windows
I have the following code running fine in excel 2003

With Sheets("TTT").ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart
.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Data").Range("A1:A" & Nreadings), PlotBy:=xlColumns
With .SeriesCollection(1)
.Formula = "=SERIES(,Data!R1C1:R" & Nreadings & "C1,Data!R1C4:R" & Nreadings & "C4,1)"
.Name = "TT Plot"
.Border.ColorIndex = 11
.Border.Weight = xlThin
.Border.LineStyle = xlContinuous
End With
End With

When I run it in excel 2007 i get the folloiwng error on the line

Formula = "=SERIES(,Data!R1C1:R" & Nreadings & "C1,Data!R1C4:R" & Nreadings & "C4,1)"

Method Formula of Object Series Failed

Is there an alternate code to use that is more stable in both excel 2003 and 2007?

Excel Facts

How to create a cell-sized chart?
Tiny charts, called Sparklines, were added to Excel 2010. Look for Sparklines on the Insert tab.

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