I have an imported spreadsheet with a date column mm/dd/yy. I need to filter by month. When I use text to column to parse the data into separate columns with the month, date and year (deliminated "/") I get columns of other dates with the same mm/dd/yy format. I've tried changing formats to no avail.
For example: 4/15/1983. The result I'm looking for is 3 columns with month, date, year (Col A=4, Col B=15, Col C=1983). Instead I'm getting
Col B=1/4/1900 C=1/15/1900 D=6/5/1905. Suggestions anyone?
For example: 4/15/1983. The result I'm looking for is 3 columns with month, date, year (Col A=4, Col B=15, Col C=1983). Instead I'm getting
Col B=1/4/1900 C=1/15/1900 D=6/5/1905. Suggestions anyone?