Convert formulas into a code & get the extract


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Mar 26, 2020
Office Version
  1. 2019
  1. Windows
Hello guys,
I have created this new app with the help of formulas. I need your expertise to get the result in the extract sheet as shown in the workbook by converting the formulas into code. The details are in the workbook Data sheet. Thank you in advance.
The date in column B is actually the starting Date to be posted first in the extract sheet.
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You haven't stated how the other G column values should be handled ... 365, 24, 1, 7, 120
I just noticed this. For 365 or any number greater than 1 copy the formula column till 365 rows as mentioned. For 1 row do not do anything
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Excel Facts

What did Pito Salas invent?
Pito Salas, working for Lotus, popularized what would become to be pivot tables. It was released as Lotus Improv in 1989.
I still am not sure I understand all of what you are asking, but here goes the first swing at it:

VBA Code:
Sub Test()
    Dim DataDate                        As Date
    Dim DataFormulaColumnNumber         As Long, DataFormulaStartColumnNumber   As Long
    Dim DataLastRowColumnB              As Long
    Dim DataRow                         As Long
    Dim DataStartRowOfData              As Long
    Dim DateRow                         As Long
    Dim LastRowExtract                  As Long
    Dim MaxRowsToAdd                    As Long
    Dim NextParticularRow               As Long
    Dim DaysToAdd                       As Long, MonthsToAdd                    As Long, WeeksToAdd     As Long
    Dim NextRowExtract                  As Long
    Dim LastColumnNumberInDataSheetRow  As Long
    Dim DataDateColumn                  As String
    Dim DataFormulaStartColumn          As String, DataFormulaColumn            As String
    Dim DataNumberOfRowsColumn          As String
    Dim LastColumnInDataSheetRow        As String
    Dim ExtractAmountColumn             As String, ExtractDateColumn            As String
    Dim LastColumnInDataRow             As String, LastColumnInDataSheet        As String
    Dim wsData                          As Worksheet, wsExtract                 As Worksheet
            DataDateColumn = "B"                                                                                                ' <-- Set this to the DateColumn of sheet 'Data'
    DataFormulaStartColumn = "K"                                                                                                ' <-- Set this to the column letter where the formulas start
    DataNumberOfRowsColumn = "G"                                                                                                ' <-- Set this to the 'Number of Rows' column letter
        DataStartRowOfData = 2                                                                                                  ' <-- Set this to start row of data on the 'Data' sheet
       ExtractAmountColumn = "D"                                                                                                ' <-- Set this to the AmountColumn letter on sheet 'Extract'
         ExtractDateColumn = "B"                                                                                                ' <-- Set this to the DateColumn of sheet 'Extract'
              MaxRowsToAdd = 365                                                                                                ' <-- Set this to the maximum # of rows that will need to be added
    DataFormulaStartColumnNumber = Range(DataFormulaStartColumn & 1).Column                                                     ' Convert DataFormulaStartColumn to a number
       Set wsData = Sheets("Data")
    Set wsExtract = Sheets("Extract")
    With wsData
        LastColumnNumberInDataSheetRow = .Cells(DataStartRowOfData, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column                        '   Get last column number used in the 'Data' sheet DataRow
        If LastColumnNumberInDataSheetRow >= DataFormulaStartColumnNumber Then                                                  '   If previous formulas exist on the 'Data' sheet then ...
            .Range(.Cells(DataStartRowOfData, DataFormulaStartColumnNumber), _
                    .Cells(MaxRowsToAdd + DataStartRowOfData - 1, LastColumnNumberInDataSheetRow)).ClearContents                '       Erase the previous formulas
        End If
        DataLastRowColumnB = .Range(DataDateColumn & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                                                 '   Get last row used in DataDateColumn of 'Data' sheet
        DataRow = DataStartRowOfData - 1                                                                                        '   Initialize DataRow
        For DataFormulaColumnNumber = DataFormulaStartColumnNumber To _
                DataFormulaStartColumnNumber + DataLastRowColumnB - DataStartRowOfData                                          '   Loop through columns of the columns to place the formulas
            DataRow = DataRow + 1                                                                                               '       Increment DataRow
            DataFormulaColumn = Split(Cells(1, DataFormulaColumnNumber).Address, "$")(1)                                        '       Convert DataFormulaColumnNumber to DataFormulaColumn
            .Range(DataFormulaColumn & DataStartRowOfData & ":" & DataFormulaColumn & _
                    .Range(DataNumberOfRowsColumn & DataRow).Value + 1) = "=IFERROR(MROUND(RANDBETWEEN(INDEX($D$1:$D$" & _
                    DataLastRowColumnB & "," & DataFormulaColumn & "$1),INDEX($E$1:$E$" & DataLastRowColumnB & _
                    "," & DataFormulaColumn & "$1)),INDEX($F$1:$F$" & _
                    DataLastRowColumnB & "," & DataFormulaColumn & "$1)),"""")"                                                 '       Formula to place into each formula column of 'Data' sheet
        Next                                                                                                                    '   Loop back
        LastColumnNumberInDataSheetRow = .Cells(DataStartRowOfData, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column                        '   Get last column number used in the 'Data' sheet DataRow
        LastColumnInDataSheetRow = Split(Cells(.Cells(DataStartRowOfData, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) '
        .Range(DataFormulaStartColumn & DataStartRowOfData & ":" & LastColumnInDataSheetRow & _
                MaxRowsToAdd + DataStartRowOfData - 1).Copy                                                                     '   Copy formula range into memory (Clipboard)
        .Range(DataFormulaStartColumn & DataStartRowOfData & ":" & _
                LastColumnInDataSheetRow & MaxRowsToAdd + DataStartRowOfData - 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues                    '   Paste just the values back to range
        Application.CutCopyMode = False                                                                                         '   Clear clipboard & 'marching ants' around copied range
    End With
    LastColumnInDataSheet = Split(Cells(wsData.Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, _
            xlPrevious).Column).Address, "$")(1)                                                                                ' Get updated LastColumnInDataSheet after all formulas added
    With wsData.Range(DataFormulaStartColumn & DataStartRowOfData & ":" & _
            LastColumnInDataSheet & MaxRowsToAdd + DataStartRowOfData - 1)                                                      ' Format the range of formulas added to the 'Data' sheet
               .NumberFormat = "0.00"
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
          .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
               .ReadingOrder = xlLTR
    End With
    With wsExtract
        LastRowExtract = .Range(ExtractAmountColumn & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                                                '   Get last row used in ExtractAmountColumn of sheet 'Extract'
        If LastRowExtract > 1 Then                                                                                              '   If there are previous results then ...
            .Range("A2:" & ExtractAmountColumn & LastRowExtract).ClearContents                                                  '       Clear contents of previous results in sheet 'Extract'
        End If
        NextRowExtract = .Range(ExtractAmountColumn & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1                                            '   Get updated row # to start displaying data to
    End With
    DataRow = DataStartRowOfData - 1                                                                                            '   Initialize DataRow
    For DataFormulaColumnNumber = DataFormulaStartColumnNumber To DataFormulaStartColumnNumber + _
            DataLastRowColumnB - DataStartRowOfData                                                                             ' Loop through DataFormulaColumnNumbers
        DataRow = DataRow + 1                                                                                                   '   Increment DataRow
        DataFormulaColumn = Split(Cells(1, DataFormulaColumnNumber).Address, "$")(1)                                            '   Convert DataFormulaColumnNumber to DataFormulaColumn
        With Sheets("Data")
            .Range(DataFormulaColumn & DataStartRowOfData & ":" & DataFormulaColumn & .Range(DataFormulaColumn & _
                    .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Copy wsExtract.Range(ExtractAmountColumn & NextRowExtract)                      '       Write Formula values to ExtractAmountColumn
            LastRowExtract = wsExtract.Range(ExtractAmountColumn & wsExtract.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                          '       Get last row used in ExtractAmountColumn of sheet 'Extract'
            NextParticularRow = wsExtract.Range("C" & wsExtract.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1                                   '
            wsExtract.Range("C" & NextParticularRow & ":C" & LastRowExtract) = .Range("C" & DataRow)                            '       Copy particular to "Particular' column on sheet 'Extract'
            DataDate = .Range(DataDateColumn & DataRow)                                                                         '       Set DataDate = the date for the range
            DateRow = NextParticularRow - 1                                                                                     '
            Select Case .Range(DataNumberOfRowsColumn & DataRow)
                Case Is = 1: wsExtract.Range(ExtractDateColumn & DateRow + 1) = DataDate                                        '           If DataNumberOfRowsColumn value = 1 then just write date
                Case Is = 12                                                                                                    '           If DataNumberOfRowsColumn value = 12 then ...
                    For MonthsToAdd = 0 To 11                                                                                   '               Loop through # of Months to add
                        DateRow = DateRow + 1                                                                                   '                   Increment DateRow
                        wsExtract.Range(ExtractDateColumn & DateRow) = DateAdd("m", MonthsToAdd, DataDate)                      '                   Write result to ExtractDateColumn
                    Next                                                                                                        '               Loop back
                Case Is = 24                                                                                                    '           If DataNumberOfRowsColumn value = 24 then ...
                    For MonthsToAdd = 0 To 11                                                                                   '               Loop through # of Months to add
                        DateRow = DateRow + 1                                                                                   '                   Increment DateRow
                        wsExtract.Range(ExtractDateColumn & DateRow) = DateAdd("m", MonthsToAdd, DataDate)                      '                   Write result to ExtractDateColumn
                    Next                                                                                                        '               Loop back
                    DataDate = DateAdd("d", 15, DataDate)                                                                       '               Add 15 days to the DataDate
                    For MonthsToAdd = 0 To 11                                                                                   '               Loop through # of Months to add
                        DateRow = DateRow + 1                                                                                   '                   Increment DateRow
                        wsExtract.Range(ExtractDateColumn & DateRow) = DateAdd("m", MonthsToAdd, DataDate)                      '                   Write result to ExtractDateColumn
                    Next                                                                                                        '               Loop back

                Case Is = 52                                                                                                    '           If DataNumberOfRowsColumn value = 52 then ...
                    For WeeksToAdd = 0 To 51                                                                                    '               Loop through # of Weeks to add
                        DateRow = DateRow + 1                                                                                   '                   Increment DateRow
                        wsExtract.Range(ExtractDateColumn & DateRow) = DateAdd("ww", WeeksToAdd, DataDate)                      '                   Write result to ExtractDateColumn
                    Next                                                                                                        '               Loop back
                Case Is = 104                                                                                                   '           If DataNumberOfRowsColumn value = 104 then ...
                    For WeeksToAdd = 0 To 51                                                                                    '               Loop through # of Weeks to add
                        DateRow = DateRow + 1                                                                                   '                   Increment DateRow
                        wsExtract.Range(ExtractDateColumn & DateRow) = DateAdd("ww", WeeksToAdd, DataDate)                      '                   Write result to ExtractDateColumn
                    Next                                                                                                        '               Loop back
                    DataDate = DateAdd("d", 4, DataDate)                                                                        '               Add 4 days to the DataDate
                    For WeeksToAdd = 0 To 51                                                                                    '               Loop through # of Weeks to add
                        DateRow = DateRow + 1                                                                                   '                   Increment DateRow
                        wsExtract.Range(ExtractDateColumn & DateRow) = DateAdd("ww", WeeksToAdd, DataDate)                      '                   Write result to ExtractDateColumn
                    Next                                                                                                        '               Loop back
                Case Is = 365                                                                                                   '           If DataNumberOfRowsColumn value = 365 then ...
                    For DaysToAdd = 0 To 364                                                                                    '               Loop through # of Days to add
                        DateRow = DateRow + 1                                                                                   '                   Increment DateRow
                        wsExtract.Range(ExtractDateColumn & DateRow) = DateAdd("d", DaysToAdd, DataDate)                        '                   Write result to ExtractDateColumn
                    Next                                                                                                        '               Loop back
            End Select
        End With
        NextRowExtract = wsExtract.Range(ExtractAmountColumn & wsExtract.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1                          '   Get updated row # to start displaying data to
    With wsExtract.Range("A" & DataStartRowOfData & ":A" & NextRowExtract - 1)
        .Value = wsExtract.Evaluate("Row(" & .Address & ") - " & DataStartRowOfData & "+ 1")                                    '   Write the line #s to column A of sheet 'Extract'
    End With
    wsExtract.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                                                                                    ' Autofit the widths of the columns on sheet 'Extract'
End Sub
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:eek: OMG!! It is possible. You have understood it perfectly 👏 👏 . Going through to find at least one issue if any;).
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JohnnyL It is Amazing. It is just perfect man. All that I posted in the query is almost done. Here is some more editing to be done to complete it. I have explained that in the extract sheet of this workbook.
I have recreated one module from your old applications and added that in the workbook. I want to combine both the codes to make it run with a single button. When I run my code separately, it is working good.
2Get extract in new sheet .xlsm
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On the news I heard about the hurricane IVAN hitting Florida and other states at 270 km/h. I hope you are safe man. Stay safe. Will see you tonight.
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I just noticed that in the Data sheet the first row result in column L is missing. It is starting with the 3rd row. Hence, it is not displaying the amounts in the Extract sheet. of the 2nd row.
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Going through the comments in your code, I think the problem might be in this line. I am not sure.
Rich (BB code):
        DataRow = DataStartRowOfData - 1                                                                                        '   Initialize DataRow
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I just noticed that in the Data sheet the first row result in column L is missing. It is starting with the 3rd row. Hence, it is not displaying the amounts in the Extract sheet. of the 2nd row.
I think you need to check again
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I think the rows to extract is interchanged.
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