The error occurs on each of the lines and I have narrowed it down to the destination. Maybe the Cells() part or maybe its the (r,4) part. How can I change this to make it work the way I want it to?
For i = 1 To 51 For r = 6 To 57
Workbooks(Margin).Worksheets(Sheets(i) & Graph1).Activate
Range(HL1).Copy Workbooks(Control).Cells(r, 4)
Range(HL2).Copy Workbooks(Control).Cells(r, 5)
Range(HL3).Copy Workbooks(Control).Cells(r, 6)
Range(CTD1).Copy Workbooks(Control).Cells(r, 7)
Range(CTD2).Copy Workbooks(Control).Cells(r, 8)
Range(CTD3).Copy Workbooks(Control).Cells(r, 9)