Legacy 93538
Does anyone know whether its possible to get a macro to copy rows in a workbook sheet which have certain numbers in them?
For example select and copy all the rows in the worksheet which have 4 in the B Column and then paste them into the another sheet in A4.
This is what i have so far:
Does anyone know whether its possible to get a macro to copy rows in a workbook sheet which have certain numbers in them?
For example select and copy all the rows in the worksheet which have 4 in the B Column and then paste them into the another sheet in A4.
This is what i have so far:
For X = LBound(PathArray) To UBound(PathArray)
Set CCTLWB = Workbooks.Open(PathArray(X) & "\" & "*TrackerLog.*")
Set CCTLWBCSht = CCTLWB.Sheets("Commentary")
Set CCTLWBCLSht = CCTLWB.Sheets("CallLog")
L = WorksheetFunction.CountA(CCTLWBCSht.Range("A:A"))
CCTLWBCSht.Range("A" & L & ":N" & L).Copy Destination:=CCTWB.Sheets(SheetArray).Range("A1")
<code to copy and paste the correct line here>
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