Legacy 177103
I'm writing this to query the database, sort the query, select rows of like values in column A, copy them over to another sheet, then email the results to specific contacts to that customer in column A.
I was going step by step, and I encountered this issue, so I didnt get the whole thing done. I tried stopping it at just one customer by telling it to go to endmacro when it wasnt equal, and that worked fine. When I tried letting it copy ALL Customers over, it stopped at line 172 and threw a 1004 Error for User Defined Object here:
ToO.Rows(Countw).Value = FrO.Rows(Countw).Value
Any help is appreciated.
I was going step by step, and I encountered this issue, so I didnt get the whole thing done. I tried stopping it at just one customer by telling it to go to endmacro when it wasnt equal, and that worked fine. When I tried letting it copy ALL Customers over, it stopped at line 172 and threw a 1004 Error for User Defined Object here:
ToO.Rows(Countw).Value = FrO.Rows(Countw).Value
Any help is appreciated.
Sub status_send()
Dim ROpen As Long, RShipped As Long, Countr As Long, Counts As Long, Countt As Long
Dim OpenRng As Range, ShippedRng As Range
Countr = 4
Counts = 4
Dim StrConn As String 'Save connection string
dsn = "sql"
StrConn = "ODBC;DSN="
StrConn = StrConn & dsn
StrConn = StrConn & ";UID=info;PWD=;APP=????????;WSID=?;DATABASE=hpinfo;Network=DBMSSOCN"
Dim w As Worksheet, p As PivotTable, q As QueryTable, c As Chart
For Each w In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets 'Refresh Queries on all worksheets and sort
For Each q In w.QueryTables
q.Connection = StrConn
q.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
'Sort columns ascending by customer
Worksheets("Open_Data").Range("A3").Sort Key1:=Worksheets("Open_Data").Range("A3"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
Worksheets("Shipped_Data").Range("A3").Sort Key1:=Worksheets("Shipped_Data").Range("A3"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
'Set Ranges and find rows
Set FrO = Worksheets("Open_Data"): Set FrS = Worksheets("Shipped_Data")
Set ToO = Worksheets("Open_Orders"): Set ToS = Worksheets("Shipped_Orders")
Set OpenRng = Worksheets("Open_Data").Range("A4").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
Set ShippedRng = Worksheets("Shipped_Data").Range("A4").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
ROpen = OpenRng.Row: RShipped = ShippedRng.Row
'Set tops of each new report page
ToO.Rows(3).Value = FrO.Rows(3).Value: ToS.Rows(3).Value = FrS.Rows(3).Value
ToO.Rows(Countr).Value = FrO.Rows(Countr).Value: ToS.Rows(Counts).Value = FrS.Rows(Counts).Value
Countr = Countr + 1: Counts = Counts + 1
'Build Open Orders for Customer
For Countt = Countr To ROpen Step 1
If FrO.Range("A" & Countt).Value = FrO.Range("A" & (Countt - 1)).Value Then
ToO.Rows(Countw).Value = FrO.Rows(Countw).Value
ElseIf FrO.Range("A" & Countt).Value <> FrO.Range("A" & (Countt - 1)).Value Then
GoTo ShpOrd
End If
'Build Shipped ORders For Customer
For Countw = Counts To RShipped Step 1
If FrS.Range("A" & Countw).Value = FrS.Range("A" & (Countw - 1)).Value Then
ToS.Rows(Countw).Value = FrS.Rows(Countw).Value
ElseIf FrS.Range("A" & Countw).Value <> FrS.Range("A" & (Countw - 1)).Value Then
GoTo Loopt
End If
'End the Macro and Report Lines
MsgBox "Number of Rows: " & ROpen & " / " & RShipped 'Display the number of rows
End Sub