Copy rows of cells dependent on expiry dates(or colour of cells) to a new sheet


New Member
Dec 13, 2021
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Hi guys,

I have been struggling for quite a while now to figure out a way to automatically copy and paste rows of data (according to an expiry date or colour of a cell) to new sheets. I have seen a few macros for similar problems posted but haven't been able to get them to work with my spreadsheet.

I have a spreadsheet of medication stock. What I need to do is copy the medication rows which are currently expired to a new sheet, I also need to copy the medications that are going to expire within 2 months to a different sheet, and finally the medication expiring between 2 - 4months to a different sheet. The expiry date cell has been conditionally formatted to change colour depending on the duration to the expiry date. Is it possible to automatically copy and paste cells dependent on their colour?

I have another sheet of medical consumables which I have to do the same thing with but is has a different cell number with the expiry date.

Please could someone kindly assist me with a macro or give me pointers on how to go about getting this done. It would be massively appreciated!

I hope this explanation is clear enough. If you need any further info please let me know.


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Hi, please use XL2BB tool to share your data. It would help to provide solution quickly.

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Thanks for the reply. I am unfortunately not able to share the document as it is work related. What other information do you need to make it easier to assist?
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