Hi, these are 2 easy problems I'm sure, I just can't find the proper keyword to use for vba in Excel 2003.
What I'm doing with my program is creating multiple graphs and pasting them into Word.
So whenever you make a new chart, it's labeled "Chart 1", "Chart 2" etc, and keeps increasing.
Currently, the only way I can do it is to create a graph and keep it selected so I can use the "ActiveChart" function, then I can copy it paste it, etc, and then open up word, and paste it and close word. Then work on the next one.
So my first question is- How do I label the chart, so that when it's not selected, I can type "ChartA".Select, for example.
My second question is- How do I leave Microsoft word open, then get back into the same word file when it's already open?
What I'm doing with my program is creating multiple graphs and pasting them into Word.
So whenever you make a new chart, it's labeled "Chart 1", "Chart 2" etc, and keeps increasing.
Currently, the only way I can do it is to create a graph and keep it selected so I can use the "ActiveChart" function, then I can copy it paste it, etc, and then open up word, and paste it and close word. Then work on the next one.
So my first question is- How do I label the chart, so that when it's not selected, I can type "ChartA".Select, for example.
My second question is- How do I leave Microsoft word open, then get back into the same word file when it's already open?