Im trying to copy all data from one worksheet and paste to another worksheet. However it may be possible that additional rows and columns are added to the spreadsheet over time so id like to always ensure that i am copying all of the info across.
I have a cell called "end of data" on 1 work sheet. Im using the find function then using Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToLeft)).Select and Range(Selection, Cells(1)).Offset(1, x).Copy to select the data.
The issues is that i am actually capturing the top row however i require the data from row 3 to the end of data
can anyone please assist me
Im trying to copy all data from one worksheet and paste to another worksheet. However it may be possible that additional rows and columns are added to the spreadsheet over time so id like to always ensure that i am copying all of the info across.
I have a cell called "end of data" on 1 work sheet. Im using the find function then using Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToLeft)).Select and Range(Selection, Cells(1)).Offset(1, x).Copy to select the data.
The issues is that i am actually capturing the top row however i require the data from row 3 to the end of data
can anyone please assist me