This is for a Reunion in a hotel for Fri and Sat nights. Some people will stay on Friday, some will stay Fri and Sat and some will stay only Sat. The Hotel have sent a Spreadsheet without formaulae, just values. These are the relevant columns: E is number of guests. F is arrival date. G is departure date. J the number of nights. We need to calculate the number of Dinners for Fri and the number for Sat.
If F2 is 15 Apr and J2 is 1 or 2 then total guests (e2) is 1. I need to sum all the rest of the entries to give a total for 15 Apr. Similar for where col F shows 16 Apr. I hope someone can understand this Thanks
Guests Arrive Depart Res No. Name(s) Nights
1 15 Apr 17 Apr 9812757 Connaughton Charles 2
2 16 Apr 17 Apr 9812914 Coombs Derek 1