Sorry for the delay -- I've been on holiday
Here's the instruction set in detail:
OK, here's the version for the Forms toolbox.
1. Create the Group boxes as you have. (You should have 1 Group box with the option buttons on each sheet).
2. For EACH SHEET -- Right-click in the Group box, select Format Control. Now on the Control tab, enter an address for the Link Cell. This is the cell where the data will go when you make a selection. For example. make it BA1. Note: Excel automatically assigns the output values 1,2,3,4... to Option Buttons as you create them on each sheet. So, make sure that Grade 9 is the first, Grade 10 is the second, etc. On each sheet, you should get the same result.
3. Once that's done, say you used BA1 as your Link Cell on all sheets. Create a single 3-D range as I described before. To create the range (you don't need 4 ranges if you use the Forms toolbox with grouped controls) --
a. Click sheet 1, then shift-click sheet 30. You'll see all the tabs highlighted in white, and the word "Group" will appear in square brackets in the title bar.
b. Select cell BA1, then in the Name Box (it'll have the cell's address displayed) type the word
Grades Press ENTER, and you've created the 3-D range.
4. On the Summary Sheet, the formulas now are:
=COUNTIF(Grades, 1) for Grade 9
=COUNTIF(Grades, 2) for Grade 10
=COUNTIF(Grades, 3) for Grade 11
=COUNTIF(Grades, 4) for Grade 12
Try that, see how you go