I have dates in columns A of sheet1 and sheet2. What I am trying to do is to look back at sheet1 and return the number of counts a specific code is found in sheet1 column C which matches the same date i.e =COUNTIFS(sheet1!$A:$A,$A2,sheet1!$C:$C,"SW"). There could be six months or more worth of dates in sheet1 but there will be only one of each date in sheet2 so that we can count how many times a code appears in all of the dates in sheet1 i.e. August 6, 2011 may have six of code "SW" etc.
This works fine except on occassion there can be more than one code entered into column C of sheet1 i.e. SW SG or GR TV etc.
How can I get it to count the indivudual codes jammed in with other codes i.e. an SG where there may also be a code SW (or other codes) in the same cells?
This works fine except on occassion there can be more than one code entered into column C of sheet1 i.e. SW SG or GR TV etc.
How can I get it to count the indivudual codes jammed in with other codes i.e. an SG where there may also be a code SW (or other codes) in the same cells?