Counting of Rows and Adding Rows


Board Regular
Jun 7, 2014
I have a data in Column A as below:
Serial Number

If I filter the Serial Number as "899559" then I get 3 items which I would like to copy in a sheet.
Problem is that it is a fixed template and I need to insert it in between.
Thus, since there are 3 items, I would need to insert 3 entire blank rows.
Can you help me to know the macro codes in counting of the number of rows filtered and the macro code to insert that number of rows?


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I have a data in Column A as below:
Serial Number

If I filter the Serial Number as "899559" then I get 3 items which I would like to copy in a sheet.
Problem is that it is a fixed template and I need to insert it in between.
Thus, since there are 3 items, I would need to insert 3 entire blank rows.
Can you help me to know the macro codes in counting of the number of rows filtered and the macro code to insert that number of rows?

Hi, when you filter you only get the three observations correct?

Sub rowcountInsert()
FirstRows = 3[COLOR=#0000ff] 'Starts selection from Row 3[/COLOR]
Lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row [COLOR=#0000ff]'Finds last row of data, given that your filter only shows "899599"

RowsToMove = Lr - FirstRows

    Rows(FirstRows & ":" & Lr).Select
             [COLOR=#0000ff] 'Is there any specific row you would like to insert it? if so, try next.[/COLOR]
    InsertRow = Sheets("Sheet2").Cells.Find("Find a row where this search is registered").Row
    Rows(InsertRow & ":" & InsertRow).Select [COLOR=#0000ff]'Rows("3:3").Select This will select Row 3[/COLOR]
    Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown[COLOR=#0000ff] 'Will paste your selection ABOVE what you searched for[/COLOR]
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

This is a simple one I put together, I can explain further what is happening if needed.
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Hi Arithos,
I am not sure what do you mean by "3 observations"?
The number of items is not fix so the count may range from 1 to anything which will then be use as the number of rows to be inserted.
Yes, it will be inserted in Sheet 2 and it will start at A15.
So from the example, it will insert 3 rows from A15.
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Hi Arithos,
I am not sure what do you mean by "3 observations"?
The number of items is not fix so the count may range from 1 to anything which will then be use as the number of rows to be inserted.
Yes, it will be inserted in Sheet 2 and it will start at A15.
So from the example, it will insert 3 rows from A15.

In your example. "If I filter the Serial Number as "899559" then I get 3 items which I would like to copy in a sheet."
My macro is dynamic, so if your filtering returns how many rows as you want, it will capture that.

And in Sheet one, in column A, what row is below the "filter cell". that +1 should be the FirstRow, from my macro.
and you can change

[COLOR=#333333]Rows(InsertRow & ":" & InsertRow).Select [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]'Rows("3:3").Select[/COLOR]

To simply

This will insert rows at row 15 in sheet 2. You might want to change it to 16, since it inserts above, you can just try it out, and reffine it till it suits your needs
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