Counting unique instances across several (named) ranges


New Member
Aug 13, 2007
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows

I've tried searching for a function that will calculate this answer, but am having trouble finding anything relevant relating to multiple ranges.

I've named my ranges to reduce my confusion and they are called onecraft, twocraft, threecraft, fourcraft etc (each is on a different worksheet and each contains a different number of rows). I want to count up how many different prices are contained across these ranges (whilst ignoring duplicates). I've tried sumproduct/countif, but from what I've read the countif can't cope with multiple ranges.

Is there a way to do this?

thanks in anticipation of my reduced frustration.


Excel Facts

Format cells as currency
Select range and press Ctrl+Shift+4 to format cells as currency. (Shift 4 is the $ sign).
I don't know of a formula either, but if you don't mind VBA code, you might try this:
Sub countem()
With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each e In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("onecraft")
        If Not IsEmpty(e) And Not .exists(e.Value) Then .Add e.Value, 1
    Next e
    For Each e In Sheets("Sheet2").Range("twocraft")
        If Not IsEmpty(e) And Not .exists(e.Value) Then .Add e.Value, 1
    Next e
    For Each e In Sheets("Sheet3").Range("threecraft")
        If Not IsEmpty(e) And Not .exists(e.Value) Then .Add e.Value, 1
    Next e
    For Each e In Sheets("Sheet4").Range("fourcraft")
        If Not IsEmpty(e) And Not .exists(e.Value) Then .Add e.Value, 1
    Next e
MsgBox .Count & " unique items"
End With
End Sub
A couple of additional points:
1. By unique I take it you mean each item counted only once, and not a count of only the items which occur only once. i.e. in the set a,b,a would you want only the b (1 unique) or a and b counted once each (two uniques). The code takes the latter approach, although easily modified to the other if you like.
2. If you don't mind your ranges being renamed, or even if you do, the code and its relevant entries could be shortened by including a loop.
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Download and install the free add-in Morefunc.xll, then try the following formula...


Hope this helps!
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