Current Directory Info is incorrect


New Member
Jul 19, 2010

I am having a problem with Excel involving current directories.

To diagnose my issue I created a basic macro that shows my path.

Sub WhereAmI()
MsgBox CurDir
End Sub

My concern is after I use a different macro to save to a different drive, when I run WhereAmI again, it seems to give the last directory the file was in, rather than the one it currently is in.

What am I missing? I have no doubt it should be obvious to me, but it has me stumped.

Excel Facts

Round to nearest half hour?
Use =MROUND(A2,"0:30") to round to nearest half hour. Use =CEILING(A2,"0:30") to round to next half hour.
Perhaps I wasn't clear. I am moving to a different machine ( either to a network drive, or to a local drive)

Is there a better option to show where the file actually is at any moment?

Surprisingly, (At least to me) when I access the traditional save menu to see where I am and then rerun the macro (without saving anything) the result is correct.
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And please note I am changing the file name when the drive change is done. I suspect that may be involved.

Regards to Manor Way!
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Sub WhereAmI()
MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Path
End Sub

Which shows the workbook's path not which folder you are currenly in.
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Brilliant in its simplicity :biggrin:

Solves my issue, but still don't understand why Excel seems to not see the change

In any event many thanks!
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