My company's retail and MSRP price books are made via Excel. At the moment, I'm trying to utilize VBA to place a cell value into the footer, but I'm having difficulties.
The footer doesn't begin until page 4 of the document (which happens to be worksheet 4). Each worksheet (after the first 3) has a horizontal page break, resulting in each one requiring two pages. The section of the footer I'm working on gets printed on the right for odd pages and the left for even pages. Currently, we can achieve all of that (aside from the cell value) through page setup.
If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish the above, or if you need something clarified, please let me know. Thank you in advance.
P.S. I was trying to use the EvenPage property of the PageSetup object, but I can't seem to figure it out. If anyone can tell me how that is used, I would be very interested.
My company's retail and MSRP price books are made via Excel. At the moment, I'm trying to utilize VBA to place a cell value into the footer, but I'm having difficulties.
The footer doesn't begin until page 4 of the document (which happens to be worksheet 4). Each worksheet (after the first 3) has a horizontal page break, resulting in each one requiring two pages. The section of the footer I'm working on gets printed on the right for odd pages and the left for even pages. Currently, we can achieve all of that (aside from the cell value) through page setup.
If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish the above, or if you need something clarified, please let me know. Thank you in advance.
P.S. I was trying to use the EvenPage property of the PageSetup object, but I can't seem to figure it out. If anyone can tell me how that is used, I would be very interested.