I am implementing a custom function on excel which will extract data from SQL server using query table. The query table on refresh loops (recursion) and the query fails with "Application-defined or object-defined error" on the second iteration.
Below is the code:
Function CreditGetTradeNotional(cheyneReference As String)
Dim stringConn As String
Dim stringSQL As String
Dim query As QueryTable
On Error GoTo ErrHand
'stringConn = "PROVIDER= SQLNCLI;Server=CCM-UATSQL5E2\E2Analysis;Database=Analysis; Trusted_Connection=yes;"
'Use the SQL Server OLE DB Provider.
stringConn = "OLEDB;PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False; DATA SOURCE=CCM-UATSQL5E2\E2Analysis;INITIAL CATALOG=Analysis"
'Connect to the Pubs database on the local server.
'stringConn = stringConn & "Persist Security Info=False; DATA SOURCE=CCM-UATSQL5E2\E2Analysis;INITIAL CATALOG=Analysis"
'Use an integrated login.
'stringConn = stringConn & " Trusted_Connection=yes;"
If (ActiveCell.Column = 2) Then
stringSQL = "select notional from tblDefaultSwap where cheynereference = " & "'" & cheyneReference & "'"
Set query = ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=stringConn, Destination:=Range("B7"), Sql:=stringSQL)
query.FieldNames = False
query.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
query.RefreshOnFileOpen = True
query.BackgroundQuery = True
query.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
query.SaveData = True
query.AdjustColumnWidth = True
query.PreserveColumnInfo = False
'End With
If Not query.Refreshing Then
query.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End If
End If
Set CreditGetTradeNotional = Nothing
MsgBox "Connection not propertly defined.", vbExclamation
Exit Function
End Function
I am implementing a custom function on excel which will extract data from SQL server using query table. The query table on refresh loops (recursion) and the query fails with "Application-defined or object-defined error" on the second iteration.
Below is the code:
Function CreditGetTradeNotional(cheyneReference As String)
Dim stringConn As String
Dim stringSQL As String
Dim query As QueryTable
On Error GoTo ErrHand
'stringConn = "PROVIDER= SQLNCLI;Server=CCM-UATSQL5E2\E2Analysis;Database=Analysis; Trusted_Connection=yes;"
'Use the SQL Server OLE DB Provider.
stringConn = "OLEDB;PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False; DATA SOURCE=CCM-UATSQL5E2\E2Analysis;INITIAL CATALOG=Analysis"
'Connect to the Pubs database on the local server.
'stringConn = stringConn & "Persist Security Info=False; DATA SOURCE=CCM-UATSQL5E2\E2Analysis;INITIAL CATALOG=Analysis"
'Use an integrated login.
'stringConn = stringConn & " Trusted_Connection=yes;"
If (ActiveCell.Column = 2) Then
stringSQL = "select notional from tblDefaultSwap where cheynereference = " & "'" & cheyneReference & "'"
Set query = ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=stringConn, Destination:=Range("B7"), Sql:=stringSQL)
query.FieldNames = False
query.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
query.RefreshOnFileOpen = True
query.BackgroundQuery = True
query.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
query.SaveData = True
query.AdjustColumnWidth = True
query.PreserveColumnInfo = False
'End With
If Not query.Refreshing Then
query.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End If
End If
Set CreditGetTradeNotional = Nothing
MsgBox "Connection not propertly defined.", vbExclamation
Exit Function
End Function