I'm after a bit of code to chuck in a macro I have to complete the manipulation of some data I have, but it's a little beyond me, can you help? I've simplified it here, but will upscale to teh couple of thousand rows i have when i implement the solution.
i have on one page a list of data in, say, range a2:c5 this:
01/01/11 RKL
01/02/11 BCL PDB
01/03/11 hgf
01/04/11 BCL
(where dates are dd/mm/yy) i have in a look up range called instdata (range x2:y3) the following:
I need to run a script to look at each cell in b2:c5, find it in instdata, and if the month in column a for that line is the same as the month in instdata column 2 to amend the original data by appending "(I)" after it, so after i run the code i am left with:
01/01/11 RKL (I)
01/02/11 BCL PDB
01/03/11 hgf
01/04/11 BCL (I)
Can you help?
I'm after a bit of code to chuck in a macro I have to complete the manipulation of some data I have, but it's a little beyond me, can you help? I've simplified it here, but will upscale to teh couple of thousand rows i have when i implement the solution.
i have on one page a list of data in, say, range a2:c5 this:
01/01/11 RKL
01/02/11 BCL PDB
01/03/11 hgf
01/04/11 BCL
(where dates are dd/mm/yy) i have in a look up range called instdata (range x2:y3) the following:
I need to run a script to look at each cell in b2:c5, find it in instdata, and if the month in column a for that line is the same as the month in instdata column 2 to amend the original data by appending "(I)" after it, so after i run the code i am left with:
01/01/11 RKL (I)
01/02/11 BCL PDB
01/03/11 hgf
01/04/11 BCL (I)
Can you help?