Date and Time on a Userform


Board Regular
Sep 6, 2002
Hi Mr Excel,

How do I put the current date and time on a userform say in a textbox and each time I bring up the userform it refreshes.

Any help would be appreciated

Excel Facts

Remove leading & trailing spaces
Save as CSV to remove all leading and trailing spaces. It is faster than using TRIM().
try now()
you can use the now() function in a cell and then link the text box to that cell
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you can place this code in any event
for example say you have a button that refreshes your form and your current date and time need to be stored in a text box named "TextBox1" you can place the following code in the click event of the Button

Dim CurTimeDate As String
CurTimeDate= Now()
TextBox1 = CurTimeDate

each time the button is clicked the textbox will capture the current date and time

Hope this helps

let me know if you need more info
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Hello, you could also use a pure programatic solution by placing code like the following in your userform module:

Private Sub userform_initialize()
TextBox1 = Now
End Sub</pre>

Where you adjust the code for the correct name of the textbox. A label would work as well...
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On the same lines as Nato but just to make sure the format is OK for your region try this:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
TextBox1.Value = Format(Now, "ddd dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm")
End Sub

This will give you Thu 20-Sep-2002 00:15


Ryan UK :)
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Good thinking Ryan, the format is one that I'm accustomed to, didn't think of it.

Have a good one!


North Atlantic Treaty Organization :biggrin:
This message was edited by NateO on 2002-09-19 17:38
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Thanks Guys for the Help.

I used Ryan's code and works beautifully !!


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