Date Checking Help Requested...


Board Regular
Nov 18, 2004
Hi All,

I'm having a little trouble getting some simple VBA code to work, can anybody tell me why?

I think my problem is that when I enter the date in the input box it see it as text, rather than a date... How do I over come this?

Thanks in advance!

Sub Adjust_DR_Data_Custom()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim StartDateEntry As Date
    On Error GoTo StartDateEntry
    StartDate = InputBox("Please enter the first day you wish to consider for calculating the Contact Distribution Figures.", "Enter Start Date")
        If StartDate > Date - 13 Then
        a = MsgBox("The starting date for the calculations MUST be more than 2 weeks in the past.", vbRetryCancel, "Error")
        If a = 4 Then GoTo StartDateEntry
        If a = 2 Then Exit Sub
    End If
    If StartDate <= Date - 13 Then
        GoTo EndDateEntry
    End If

    Dim EndDate As Date
    On Error GoTo EndDateEntry
    EndDate = InputBox("Please enter the last day you wish to consider for calculating the Contact Distribution Figures.", "Enter Start Date")
    If StartDate > Date Then
        a = MsgBox("The last date for the calculations cannot be in the future.", vbRetryCancel, "Error")
        If a = 4 Then GoTo EndDateEntry
        If a = 2 Then Exit Sub
        End If
    If EndDate <= Date Then
        GoTo ChangeDates
    End If

    Sheets("Contact Ratios").Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = StartDate
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = EndDate
    Sheets("DR Contact Rates").Select

MsgBox ("Statistics Updated.")

End Sub

Excel Facts

Convert text numbers to real numbers
Select a column containing text numbers. Press Alt+D E F to quickly convert text to numbers. Faster than "Convert to Number"
You can use VBA's DateValue function to convert a string that looks like a date into a date. Example:

If DateValue(StartDate) > (Date - 13) Then
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