date error in VLookup


New Member
Jun 29, 2010
Hi just a short come when i use vlookup using date as the lookup value it display the #N/A ? can help ?


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When using VLOOKUP, you can only search one column and return a value from a column to the RIGHT of that column. Based on your formula, you're looking up the date in D10 in a table spanning A1:I6, so VLOOKUP is going to search column A for that date, and return the value from the second column.

Of course, this doesn't work because column A in your table doesn't contain dates. To lookup a value in one column and return a value from a column to the LEFT of it, use INDEX/MATCH, like so:


This searches I2:I6 for the value in D10, and if found will return the value from column B in the same row as the match. Change your ranges accordingly.
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opps sry..forget to add in..i using excel version 2003. thank for your help i will try it when i in office my home 2007 cannot be used to open e file .thx
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HI just wondering if there is a method that is related to

cus i dunnoe understand e link u send me. Sry
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hi this is my latest formula using multiple criteria, how can i modify it to display multiple result?


Raw data

a / b / c
Group/ Name / Date
grp1 Apple 1/1/2010
grp2 boy 1/2/2010
grp1 cat 1/1/2010


1/1/2010 / grp1 /

Apple --(result) using =the formula stated above

wat i want

cat ---to be displayed out
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Hi edward,

Assume your raw data occupies A1:C5, Enter grp1 in D1, enter date in E1
Place formula in A7
=index($b$2:$b$4,small(if($a2:$a$4=$d$1,if($c$2:$c$4=$e$1,row($b$2:$b$4)-row($b$2)+1)),rows($a$7:a7))). Use CSE copy down.

This will list all items meeting criteria of grp1 and specific date

Mike Szczesny
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