date & spinbutton problem


Active Member
Jul 27, 2002
Office Version
  1. 2019
  1. Windows

I have a textbox on a userform which is populated by a date in the format dd/mm/yy, from a worksheet, when the userform is initialised.

The following code is then used to increase or decrease the date as required.

'This procedure decrements the date shown in
'TextBox1 when you decrease the value of the

Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown()
On Error GoTo errortrap
DateSpin.Text = DateValue(DateSpin.Text) - 1

errortrap: Exit Sub
End Sub

'This procedure increments the date shown in
'TextBox1 when you increase the value of the

Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp()
On Error GoTo errortrap
DateSpin.Text = DateValue(DateSpin.Text) + 1

errortrap: Exit Sub

End Sub

This has worked for many months, but having just reinstalled windows, and I now find that when I alter the date using the spinbutton the format in the textbox changes to dd/mm/yyyyy.

Anybody got any ideas why this now happens?



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Try changing the Windows Settings/Regional/Date short date format.
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Could be to do with Windows settings. Check Control Panel.

Otherwise I think this will solve the problem
DateSpin.Text = Format(DateValue(DateSpin.Text) + 1, "dd/mm/yy")
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Thanks for the replies guys, Glenn was right, changed the setting and all is fine.

I thought it must be something in the Windows settings but my mind had gone blank after playing about with loads of settings in Excel.


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