I have an Excel sheet which contains 8 different VBA modules.
I declared all variables in all modules in the "This Workbook/Declarations" section.
All variables are now declared as "Public <Variable name> As <Type>.
I wanted the values of variables be passed on in all variables.
I later found out that "Public" only works within the same module.
Is there a way to declare variables in such a way that their values are available in
all modules ?
I'm using the dutch version of Excel 2003.
Who fixes this little problem ?
Best regards,
I have an Excel sheet which contains 8 different VBA modules.
I declared all variables in all modules in the "This Workbook/Declarations" section.
All variables are now declared as "Public <Variable name> As <Type>.
I wanted the values of variables be passed on in all variables.
I later found out that "Public" only works within the same module.
Is there a way to declare variables in such a way that their values are available in
all modules ?
I'm using the dutch version of Excel 2003.
Who fixes this little problem ?
Best regards,