Hi all,
I'm trying to make a macro for making a bubble chart where the columns that are used for the data are dependent on the header in the top row. I have code that will work with defined colums, and code to determine which columns are wanted (both below and working fine) but I don't know how to use the different columns each time the code is run, as I seem to have ended up with cell references in different formats. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Code for making the bubble chart with data from defined columns.
Code for finding which column is desired:
(Using Excel 2007 on Windows 7)
I'm trying to make a macro for making a bubble chart where the columns that are used for the data are dependent on the header in the top row. I have code that will work with defined colums, and code to determine which columns are wanted (both below and working fine) but I don't know how to use the different columns each time the code is run, as I seem to have ended up with cell references in different formats. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Code for making the bubble chart with data from defined columns.
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add _
(Left:=100, Width:=600, Top:=200, Height:=500)
.Chart.ChartType = xlBubble
.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=Range( _
Code for finding which column is desired:
Do While Cells(1, i).Value <> False
If Cells(1, i).Text = "Start date" Then intStartDateRow = i
i = i + 1
(Using Excel 2007 on Windows 7)