Currently with a fair amount of help I have built what is a very nice student grade book. I need to expand what it does and not sure how to incorporate it.
Currently you input the assignment name, date, assignment type, possible points, and received points which works great but
Some of the courses do use weighted averages so there is possible and received points. Was easy to do when it was say 8 out of 10 or 18 out of 20 but now I need to add something that will work in this fashion
Coursework 20%
Drafts 22%
Final 45%
Records 8%
Exams 5%
No worries on the math aspect of this it comes down to the layout and the userform
What would be the best approach to add it to this? Was thinking the tab option to select standard or weighted and have this form on one and the weighted on the other. As for the sheet I was thinking the grade would go in the same location.
Or would it be more practical to figure out a formula that if assignment type is 20% just do the formula at the top where the totals are. Using sumproducts sums and ifs off in a hidden area. Then in this form I would just input as normal but instead of points just use say 97% out of 100%.
Call this poor planning built this without even thinking about weighted so not looking for coding help just advice on how to make this a dual sheet to work with both.
Currently you input the assignment name, date, assignment type, possible points, and received points which works great but
Some of the courses do use weighted averages so there is possible and received points. Was easy to do when it was say 8 out of 10 or 18 out of 20 but now I need to add something that will work in this fashion
Coursework 20%
Drafts 22%
Final 45%
Records 8%
Exams 5%
No worries on the math aspect of this it comes down to the layout and the userform

What would be the best approach to add it to this? Was thinking the tab option to select standard or weighted and have this form on one and the weighted on the other. As for the sheet I was thinking the grade would go in the same location.
Or would it be more practical to figure out a formula that if assignment type is 20% just do the formula at the top where the totals are. Using sumproducts sums and ifs off in a hidden area. Then in this form I would just input as normal but instead of points just use say 97% out of 100%.
Call this poor planning built this without even thinking about weighted so not looking for coding help just advice on how to make this a dual sheet to work with both.