This is my first post ....I have a task in hand which prompted me to come over here & indeed
I was rewarded but I have some more issues...though I never gave a thought of macro nor I have any experience in doing so.....
First of all what got sorted out by venturing here.
1) I was told to maintain a directory structure in excel with subfolders including files.That code I was able to get it from here.
The Problem:
I got the directory listed as said but now they do not want the Subfolder's path to be listed
but instead they want it to be highlighted in bold in some color for each column say for example column B has 10 files (For e.g. abc.xls, abc.doc, abc.pdf etc) and 4 SubFolders (For e.g. D:\Test\Test\Test\Sub1 etc) they want the 10 files to be as it is and the Sub
Folder in this case to be bold and in some color say red and Italic and the path removed like Sub1.. this they want in every column say in column C the same logic but with different color.
Like this I have a tree from Column A to Column I.
Any ideas from gurus how to achive this.
This is my first post ....I have a task in hand which prompted me to come over here & indeed
I was rewarded but I have some more issues...though I never gave a thought of macro nor I have any experience in doing so.....
First of all what got sorted out by venturing here.
1) I was told to maintain a directory structure in excel with subfolders including files.That code I was able to get it from here.
The Problem:
I got the directory listed as said but now they do not want the Subfolder's path to be listed
but instead they want it to be highlighted in bold in some color for each column say for example column B has 10 files (For e.g. abc.xls, abc.doc, abc.pdf etc) and 4 SubFolders (For e.g. D:\Test\Test\Test\Sub1 etc) they want the 10 files to be as it is and the Sub
Folder in this case to be bold and in some color say red and Italic and the path removed like Sub1.. this they want in every column say in column C the same logic but with different color.
Like this I have a tree from Column A to Column I.
Any ideas from gurus how to achive this.