Display Cell Addressed by another cell


New Member
Mar 21, 2006

I would like to display the cell address that has been addressed by a simple formula in another cell.

i.e. In cell i24 I have the formula =b7
in the adjacent cell, H24, I would like to display "B7", so when I cut and paste both cells, this updates along with the change - is there a formula which can dynamically display this, as opposed to me manually inputting the cell reference, every time I change location?

This is to automatically label ports in pneumatic control system simulations in excel where the output of one device port enters the input port of another device.
ie in pneumatics port 2 (B7) of a 5 port pilot/pilot operated valve extends a piston, so the piston port input formula is =B7, I would like to display this address adjacent to the diagram of the piston.


Excel Facts

Spell Check in Excel
Press F7 to start spell check in Excel. Be careful, by default, Excel does not check Capitalized Werds (whoops)
Try this: press ALT + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor, Insert > Module and paste in

Function fmla(r As Range) As String
fmla = Right(r.Formula, Len(r.Formula) - 1)
End Function

Press ALT + F11 to return to your sheet. In H24 enter

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Hi VoG,

Thanks so much, I have tested it and it works perfectly. I've never used VBA before, I shall pursue this so that I can remove the $ symbol in the display of a fixed reference.

Much appreciated,
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I shall pursue this so that I can remove the $ symbol in the display of a fixed reference.


This isn't completely robust but if you are just dealing with simple formulas try

Function fmla(r As Range) As String
fmla = Replace(Right(r.Formula, Len(r.Formula) - 1), "$", "")
End Function
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Hi VoG,

Unfortunately, the replace function is undefined - I am only running excel 97 on this machine - I shall run it on XP now as I'm sure that will work. Stand by...

Thanks so much,

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Hi Annette

This should work on versions of Excel even prior to 97

Function fmla(r As Range) As String
fmla = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Right(r.Formula, Len(r.Formula) - 1), "$", "")
End Function
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Hi VoG,

Whilst you were solving my problem, me and my Dad - who wanted the solution - were upstairs on another machine testing your last response on xp with success! Thanks for supplying the alternative for pre-97 versions, which we'll try sometime soon. But your solution for xp is brilliant, just what he wanted.

Many, many thanks from us,
Annette & Mark
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Hi VoG,

Whilst you were solving my problem, me and my Dad - who wanted the solution - were upstairs on another machine testing your last response on xp with success! Thanks for supplying the alternative for pre-97 versions, which we'll try sometime soon. But your solution for xp is brilliant, just what he wanted.

Many, many thanks from us,
Annette & Mark

You are both welcome. And thank you for in the first instance giving a complete description of your problem and your politeness in the follow-ups. So different from the 'post and go' merchants who say that they want a macro to make a profit on the stock exchange (or whatever) then never reply to whatever solutions are offered.

Thanks again :)
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