Displaying Data from 2 workbooks


New Member
Oct 17, 2002
I have been unsuccessful in my attempts at this and thought I would ask the experts.
What I have are to files, one is the planned employee hours for the week, the other is the actual. Each sheet includes the Location of the employee. What I am trying to do is with another sheet enter in a Location which brings in the plan for that location and the actual for the location.

Excel Facts

How to total the visible cells?
From the first blank cell below a filtered data set, press Alt+=. Instead of SUM, you will get SUBTOTAL(9,)
Use VLOOKUP to lookup the data you want, using the name for the Lookup.


Gary Hewitt-Long
This message was edited by gplhl on 2002-10-21 18:09
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I have run into a problem using the Vlookup,
The sheet I want to bring data from is organized by location(1,2,3,4) in column A.

location 1 takes up 5 rows, location 2 takes up 4 ect. When I look up location 2, the first 5 rows all show the first row for location 2, then the rest are ok.

My code looks something like this and is filled into a range of cells

F3 =VLOOKUP($E$3,Actual!A1:$W$1010,1,0)
F4 =VLOOKUP($E$3,Actual!A2:$W$1010,1,0)

I have tried to manipulate this but have not got it to work, any ideas?
This message was edited by GrassHopper on 2002-10-22 19:50
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The VLOOKUP formula works by looking the value in the first parameter (E3 in your case), in a matrix or range (Actual!A1:$W$1010 in your example), and returning the "column" specified in the third parameter (1).

But, you're saying that you have your location set up in rows... so, VLOOKUP shouldn't apply there... so, can you post some example data of how you're really set up and what you want as results ?
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What I have are 2 sheets Specific and Company.

In the company sheet I have detail of hours worked with a heading in Row 1, column 1 = location (1,2,3 ect), column 2 = account, column 3 = employee name, column 4 = hours.

In the specific sheet I want to display the detail for a location that is input into A1,
ie type 1 into A1 for location 1.

So what I get is I can come to the specific sheet type in a location, and the detail for that location will appear in the specific sheet.

Is this clear?
What I am trying to do is to get away from a filter, because I would also like to bring in detail of what was planned for the specific Location so they can be compared side by side.
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Depending on the contents of your data table on the Company sheet, VLOOKUP may not be the function you need. VLOOKUP is best suited to situations where a table holds unique values in the key field, so if you have more than one occurence of an item, say location 1, in your table, then VLOOKUP is not the answer. Use SUMIF to give a total for the selected location, or some other solution (perhaps filters or VBA) if you need to list all occurences of that location returned from the Company sheet to your Specific sheet.

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Thanks for the reply BigC.
vlookup isn't working and sumif doesn't give me what I want. I'm thinking there has to be a different solution to using a filter. I just haven't been able to figure it out.
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Hi there, I am also facing the almost alike problem. In my company, every employee have their own time sheet and at the end of the month they much submit all of their time sheet to me so that I can collect all their information about the project they are working on and time usage.

Question: How can compare their worksheet? for example, in worksheet 1, i have a project name "Project1" in cell A7, while in worksheet2, the project name(Project1) is in cell A12,what i need to do now is in worksheet3, i need to get the value of Project1 in both of the sheet. how i suppose to compare and match the both name and get the value in worksheet3.
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On 2002-12-01 23:13, Spit Fire wrote:
Hi there, I am also facing the almost alike problem. In my company, every employee have their own time sheet and at the end of the month they much submit all of their time sheet to me so that I can collect all their information about the project they are working on and time usage.

Question: How can compare their worksheet? for example, in worksheet 1, i have a project name "Project1" in cell A7, while in worksheet2, the project name(Project1) is in cell A12,what i need to do now is in worksheet3, i need to get the value of Project1 in both of the sheet. how i suppose to compare and match the both name and get the value in worksheet3.


You can better start your own thread (if the quoted thread does not supply what you need).
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