Dupe Excel File recognition


New Member
Feb 2, 2004
Main.xls is a workbook that has an Auto_open macro that saves the workbook automatically as Sam_mm_dd.xls in path c:\Files\

So when Main.xls is opened on Feb 10, its gets saved as Sam_2_10.xls

Now, multiple users will access this workbook during the day, so when Main.xls is opened for the second time in the day, the user gets a prompt 'Sam_2_10.xls already exists, overwrite Y/n, etc'

Instead of that, I want a macro that will realize that this user needs to open Sam_2_10.xls from C:\Files\ and should automatically revert to that auto saved workbook, instead of offering to overwrite it and wipe off all thats been done previously for the day.

From the users perspective, there need not be any intervention, the user just opens Main.xls, if it has not yet been auto saved for the day, excel will do it for them. And if it has already been auto saved, excel will open the relevant workbook for them.

Any Suggestions

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Hi samchox,

I believe the code would just be

If DIR("c:\Files\" & TodayFilename) <> "" then
'file exists
Workbooks.Open c:\Files\" & TodayFilename
End If

Of course, TodayFilename must contain the string you have previously created from today's date, e.g., "Sam_2_10.xls".

I didn't add code to handle the situation where another user has the file open at the time this macro runs, but hope this gets you started.

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Thanks Damon

Heres what i have, doesnt seem to work that way I expected it to. It still asks me if i want to overwrite Y/N

Sub Auto_open()

If Dir("I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\", vbDirectory) = vbNullString
Then MkDir "I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\Samarth\" & Range("ab3") & ".xls"

If Dir("I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\" & vbDirectory) <> "" Then
'file exists
Workbooks.Open "I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\" & vbDirectory
End If
End Sub
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Hi again sam,

The second test is not working because of the vbDirectory, and the fact that it doesn't attempt to find the file name you mentioned. Assuming that somehow your code has previously put the correct updated filename in the cell ab3 of the active worksheet, I believe this is what you really want:

If Dir("I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\", vbDirectory) = vbNullString
Then MkDir "I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\Samarth\" & Range("ab3") & ".xls"

ElseIf Dir("I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\" & Range("ab3") & ".xls" ) <> "" Then
'file exists
Workbooks.Open "I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\" & Range("ab3") & ".xls"
End If
End Sub
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Im getting a compile error : Else without if

And if I change the ElseIf to just If, like below, its just overwriting my workbook.

Sub Auto_open()

If Dir("I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\", vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then MkDir "I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\Samarth\" & Range("ab3") & ".xls"

If Dir("I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\" & Range("ab3") & ".xls") <> "" Then
'file exists
Workbooks.Open "I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\" & Range("ab3") & ".xls"
End If
End Sub
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Hi samchox,

I believe the problem is that the MkDir statement is on the same line as the If Dir... Try this:

Sub Auto_open()

If Dir("I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\", vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
MkDir "I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\Samarth\" & Range("ab3") & ".xls"

ElseIf Dir("I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\" & Range("ab3") & ".xls") <> "" Then
'file exists
Workbooks.Open "I:\SHARE\CAM\productivity\Repository\samarth\" & Range("ab3") & ".xls"
End If
End Sub

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