dynamic update pivot chart title


Board Regular
Mar 4, 2010
hello all,

i have set up a macro to validate which pivot chart fields are selected and edit text in the chart title based on that. so the idea is the user can set the filters within the chart and see which regions are selected in the title.

this code will step through ok but if run on its own excel will crash.

the pivot table event runs from the pivot chart which is on a different sheet to the pivot table. any suggestions for what might be the problem? thanks,

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)    
    Dim wsSewer, wsCharts As Worksheet
    Dim chtTitle As String
    Dim north, northwest, south As Boolean
    Set wsSewer = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("sewer block choke pt")
    Set wsCharts = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Charts")
    north = wsSewer.PivotTables("sewerPT").PivotFields("Region Name").PivotItems("North").Visible
    northwest = wsSewer.PivotTables("sewerPT").PivotFields("Region Name").PivotItems("NorthWest").Visible
    south = wsSewer.PivotTables("sewerPT").PivotFields("Region Name").PivotItems("South").Visible
    wsCharts.ChartObjects("sewer pc").Activate
    If north Then
        If northwest Then
            If south Then
                chtTitle = "All"
                chtTitle = "North & North West"
            End If
            If south Then
                chtTitle = "North & South"
                chtTitle = "North"
            End If
        End If
        If northwest Then
            If south Then
                chtTitle = "North West & South"
                chtTitle = "North West"
            End If
            If south Then chtTitle = "South"
            'End If
        End If
    End If
    With wsCharts.ChartObjects("sewer pc")
        .Chart.HasTitle = True
        .Chart.ChartTitle.Text = chtTitle
    End With

End Sub

Excel Facts

How to total the visible cells?
From the first blank cell below a filtered data set, press Alt+=. Instead of SUM, you will get SUBTOTAL(9,)
hmmm. still causing a problem. now crashes when stepping through too. seems to get to the end of the code so will update the chart title but will crash after end sub call.
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For the early crowd. Might disable this for now until I can work out a solution. Will post back with an update.
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Seems Ive solved the problem. Had to do with which sheet was active when the chart title edit was happening. Added a line for sheet select and now works fine :)
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