<!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I am sending an email through lotus notes and the code that i currently have doesn't correctly pick the file. It is a pdf file that is contained in a cell by hyperlink (cell F19). there will be mupltiple hyperlinks so i want it to pick the link that is highlighted in the sheet. please help me out
here is the code:
Sub EmailFile()
' Declare Variables for file and macro setup
Dim UserName As String, ccrecipient As String
Dim MailDbName As String
Dim Maildb As Object
Dim MailDoc As Object
Dim AttachME As Object
Dim Session As Object
Dim EmbedObj1 As Object
' Open and locate current LOTUS NOTES User
Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
UserName = Session.UserName
MailDbName = Left$(UserName, 1) & Right$(UserName, (Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf"
Set Maildb = Session.GETDATABASE("", MailDbName)
If Maildb.IsOpen = True Then
End If
' Create New Mail and Address Title Handlers
Set MailDoc = Maildb.CreateDocument
MailDoc.Form = "Memo"
MailDoc.SendTo = "Recipients"
ccrecipient = "ccRecipients"
MailDoc.Subject = "Subject"
MailDoc.Body = "BODY"
' Select Workbook to Attach to E-Mail
MailDoc.SaveMessageOnSend = False
attachment1 = "" ' Required File Name
If attachment1 <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next
Set AttachME = MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("attachment1")
Set EmbedObj1 = AttachME.EmbedObject(1454, "attachment1", "File name") 'Required File Name
On Error Resume Next
End If
Set workspace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
Call workspace.EDITDOCUMENT(True, MailDoc).GOTOFIELD("Body")
Set Maildb = Nothing
Set MailDoc = Nothing
Set AttachME = Nothing
Set Session = Nothing
Set EmbedObj1 = Nothing
Set Maildb = Nothing
Set MailDoc = Nothing
Set AttachME = Nothing
Set Session = Nothing
Set EmbedObj1 = Nothing
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
End Sub
here is the code:
Sub EmailFile()
' Declare Variables for file and macro setup
Dim UserName As String, ccrecipient As String
Dim MailDbName As String
Dim Maildb As Object
Dim MailDoc As Object
Dim AttachME As Object
Dim Session As Object
Dim EmbedObj1 As Object
' Open and locate current LOTUS NOTES User
Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
UserName = Session.UserName
MailDbName = Left$(UserName, 1) & Right$(UserName, (Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf"
Set Maildb = Session.GETDATABASE("", MailDbName)
If Maildb.IsOpen = True Then
End If
' Create New Mail and Address Title Handlers
Set MailDoc = Maildb.CreateDocument
MailDoc.Form = "Memo"
MailDoc.SendTo = "Recipients"
ccrecipient = "ccRecipients"
MailDoc.Subject = "Subject"
MailDoc.Body = "BODY"
' Select Workbook to Attach to E-Mail
MailDoc.SaveMessageOnSend = False
attachment1 = "" ' Required File Name
If attachment1 <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next
Set AttachME = MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("attachment1")
Set EmbedObj1 = AttachME.EmbedObject(1454, "attachment1", "File name") 'Required File Name
On Error Resume Next
End If
Set workspace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
Call workspace.EDITDOCUMENT(True, MailDoc).GOTOFIELD("Body")
Set Maildb = Nothing
Set MailDoc = Nothing
Set AttachME = Nothing
Set Session = Nothing
Set EmbedObj1 = Nothing
Set Maildb = Nothing
Set MailDoc = Nothing
Set AttachME = Nothing
Set Session = Nothing
Set EmbedObj1 = Nothing
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
End Sub